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It's powerup time people!! Framework for skill tree upgrading is now  working, which means it's time for me to start coding powerups and  abilities into the game. My question to YOU ALL is what kinds of  powerups do you want to see?? The 4 main trees will be Combat, Predator,  Stealth, and Survival (prey).

To give you an idea of a few  different ones I'm already planning on adding, the skill trees will  already be including perks like:
- Regular stat buffs (for damage, defense, knockback, digestion, indigestion, stealth, etc)
- skill tweaks like ramping digestion damage exponentially instead of linearly or attacking faster
-  passive skills such as recently regurgitated enemies continuing to take  acid damage until they dry off, swallowed projectiles restoring more  ammo, swallowing multiple minimech pilots at once, sliding into enemies  while full deals damage and knockback, etc
- active skills such as a  belly slam/ground pound, new forms of melee attacks, stealthier or  faster ways to swallow enemies, burps that deal AOE knockback, wall  jumping, etc

Get creative with your ideas, but keep in mind  what's realistic to actually add to the game! Before anyone suggests it,  having most any entity - player or enemies - grow in size causes a  litany of issues regarding collision and animations, so it's unlikely to  happen. Shrinking is not AS challenging, but still a greater difficulty  than most.

I will likely be making these into a series of polls  for tiers 3 and 4 to vote on for what gets added! These will be faster  more rapid fire polls no more than a week in length, so ties/no vote  polls will result in me selecting a winner myself.




I was going to suggest an ability where when you digest someone you build up some sort of mass meter that can be used to increase ground pound damage by making the ass and hips wider or using it to make your chest bigger for a temporary shield but after reading the description I don’t think it’s possible. I just wanted to feel like I contributed


Hi buddy, I finally became one of your "tier 3" contributors ^^ About your skill tree, I was thinking about something: Maybe some of these skills could help your protagonist in some specific missions : Imagine that some powerful enemies can only detect your protagonist by the sound she makes, so digesting an enemy next to them could be very dangerous! So, a skill like "a belly rub" could allow to calm down a swallowed enemy in order not to be detected (like in Metroid Dread). Or in an escort mission, "belly rub" could be used to calm, reassure the stressed escort. This skill could allow be used for rescue missions: "Hugging, rubbing or kissing your belly" could restore a wounded ally's health, and make the mission easier. And now, about the active skill : The active skill could be really funny because, once your heroine swallowed an enemy, she could use her belly as a shield or weapon, OR, she could do wrestling moves on the swallowed enemy like a piledriver (like Haggar from Final fight) or a German Suplex (like Guile from Street Fighter). Finally, your heroine can use different types of weapons designed for vore action scenes, like: - A gun that can teleport prey directly into your heroine's belly. - A gun that can "charm" the enemy. Charmed enemies can move towards your heroine, without attacking her (which makes them easier to capture). - A gun that can turn enemies against themselves, forcing them to attack or devour each other. - A weapon that can turn the enemy into food (like Buu from Dragon Ball). They can return to their normal shape/size, even after your heroine swallows them. I don't know what you think of these suggestions, but it was really funny to make ^^


I was thinking that just adding regular stats are a bit boring in itself, but the easier way to implement improvements. I was thinking of a way to make upgrades more than just a bigger number. For example, you could make a skillpoint where the kick could either incapacitate any of the regular enemies or destroy the robots. Maybe even deflect the rockets back to their makers! Maybe instead of you getting close to the enemies, you could have a skillpoint that allows for a special action with the pistol to pull the enemies towards her. For the eating part, maybe a skillpoint could make her gasses into a weapon/trap. Leaving some sort of gasbomb and luring the enemies towards it could make them stunned for a good time, allowing the player to get passed much easier (or kill them, i dunno.) Another point could make it so, if her stomach's empty (could perhaps also work with 1 enemy inside), she could swallow an enemy instantly by attacking from above. There should be some unique utility along power upgrades, imo. You could have one unlock a sack/backpack in where you can store minimech pilots/bats for a secure future.


Thanks for your suggestions! I saw you put them in the discord as well so I've replied to them there!


Stat boosts in all forms will be available as perks, but they certainly won't be taking the spot of any real abilities, and they'll also be the cheapest to acquire. Some stat boosts will also be a part of another ability, such as increasing max health via digesting enemies. Giving melee special features is definitely something I'm planning on - blocks and counters will likely be making an appearance as well! Any gun upgrades will be handled seperately at a kiosk where you spend in game currency rather than experience points to upgrade it, but I've got some extra fancy stuff planned for it. Gas bombs/stun bombs and such like that will also probably be a consumable item you buy at the same place you get gun upgrades! Alternate swallow methods, such as ways that do it faster, stealthier, or say deal damage on the initial swallow are definitely planned. For that last suggestion, I have something even better - this won't be a part of skill trees, but there will be a small customizable companion you'll be able to get partway through the game, no larger than half the player size. It will automatically help you collect the mini pilots or even eat them itself or offer other minor combat support. It will also be immortal, so it can be eaten and digested by the player (healing more for every mini pilot the companion ate) and it will respawn after a time.


-Charge Shots! They may take a while to charge up/consume more ammo, but they can stun enemies longer, and even instantly stun enemies that'd take more shots to stun. -Making Room: Attempting to swallow a prey will deal large damage to prey already in Mia's gut, and if their HP reaches 0, they will be digested instantly for their healing bonus, similar to the mech pilots. This way you can still shovel prey down (for the most part) without having to deal with manual digestion! -Choking Hazard: Mia can get a few struggle inputs in as she's being swallowed. Not enough to actually keep her out of someone else's belly, but enough to cut down the time she spends stewing away! -Shockwave: Holding the fire button before executing a Ground Pound will consume some ammo to unleash a shockwave that stuns enemies that it hits. Said shockwaves travel far further than the hurtbox of Mia's Ground Pound, but do not deal damage. There may also be a good deal of falloff of the stun's effectiveness.


Charge shots are 100% planned! They won't be part of the standard perks though, gun upgrades will be done at a seperate kiosk with a seperate currency. I like "making room" as a high level perk! I'll have to see about that one. The choking hazard idea I was planning on making a default part of the vore system, at least for most preds! For shockwave, there will already be a very similar feature the upgraded gun will be capable of.


Aight, brain dump: Two at once - Lock down/eat two enemies at once. Suggestion for implementation would that if you initiate eating on two adjacent enemies, there is an alternate eating animation where one enemy is held with one arm while the other is eaten first. Increased health gain - More health from eating pilots and vials. Shrink ray - Ironically inspired by you saying it's difficult. =P The way you could do it is have the shrink ray turn an enemy into a color swapped pilot unit. That way you'd already have the implementation and behaviour. Of course I have no idea how difficult it is for you to swap one unit for another in runtime. Lure - Some way of aggroing an enemy to come towards you without alerting other enemies. Melee Buff - Timed buff to melee damage after eating pilots Force Eject - Some way of hitting an enemy that ejects the pilot. You then have a short while to eat either the pilot or the, whatever it is, before the pilot jumps back in. This could be a melee attack, a special shot or a timed buff triggered by something.


Hey man, glad you're making great progress! Got a couple ideas. One new predator/combat ability could be where Mia is able to make enemies levitate, lifting them off the ground somehow, maybe by shooting the floor with a type of weapon. Afterwards she could bring the number of enemies equal or less than her remaining capacity to her mouth and swallow them one by one. You could use the Bucking Bronco ability in Bioshock Infinite as reference. Stealth could be integrated in more ways than just hiding. One could be where she is able to sneak up on enemies, engulf just their head, and drag them away from their friends to swallow them more discretely as to avoid alerting them with a burp. Could be used in levels later where direct combat could be more dangerous. But during this time it could be a struggle like fighting indigestion as the enemy tries to break free if she takes too long to swallow them the rest of the way. For survival, she could have a single use item that simply prevents her from being swallowed once. This could be a very foul tasting substance she douses herself with that's only good enough to save her from one or two attempts by an adversary before it wears off and she becomes vulnerable again.


Two at once - definitely a powerup I'd like to do, but we'll have to see since that may be a bit too animation heavy Increased health gain is already planned! Shrinking is somewhat more feasible than growing anyway - I'll be looking into it at some point, but no guarentees! The manual burp is meant to be the method of luring enemies - I'll be rewriting enemy AI in the near future though that should make this feature much more useful with how stealth and detection will be evaluated. There will be numerous types of melee buffs in the game so don't worry there The force eject is a good idea! I'll look more into that one


I'm not sure I'll go so far as outright levetation, but there will likely be some ranged way to ensnare and capture prey - there are a few different possible ideas in the mix there for what that may be! Stealth takedowns and stealth swallows are definitely planned as well :D For your survival suggestion, I've got that planned an item you can buy rather than a perk you can acquire