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WE FINALLY MADE IT! I've completed the last of the classwork that I will ever need to do and am officially graduating with a degree in game design and animation - it's been an exciting time, but a very exhausting one. Currently my plan is to take a much needed week long break, then it'll be full steam ahead on development for Project GLUTT! There's still a TON of animating to be done for the next update, but you can expect a number of WiP posts in the near future to give you all an idea of what's to come.  There are still a number of post graduation school/student loan related things I have to take care of as well, but for the large part those shouldn't significantly affect my time for working on GLUTT anymore. 

All in all I'm really looking forward to getting some real work put into GLUTT - this game is still in very early stages and there's a ton I'm planning on putting in to it, and a lot I even already have the framework for thanks to the work I've done in my last semester. The end goal is for this to be a full and complete game like you could find on Steam, and I aim to achieve that - stay tuned!


Senji Kiyomasa

Congrats! Your hard work has finally paid off!


I'm surprised this game doesn't get the attention the rest of the games in this community do. Keep it up!