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Howdy howdy! I'm here again. I tried to aim for five images as per usual but I've been struggling a bit mental-health-wise for the past couple days so four images (but with some shaded/colored additions) will have to do. Anyways, my personal stuff aside, onto the art!

#1- Wereberry Yuu returns from my art detention. He's a little flustered he forgot about the full moon and is now swelling up. I was mostly testing out a brush's capabilities and honestly, its basically become one of my favorites

#2- I was talking with a buddy, you might know them (bluuberrybloats on twitter, go follow them please) about morally grey ladies being mean (affectionately) to cute fruit guys. This was a doodle that was a part of the conversation. I think there is irony in giving a berry a leash, after all, its not like they can really move much :>

#3- Here's a collage of some of my doodles. Everette, a random boi in sepia-colored ink, and a Poff Hamster (pamster). I'm allowed to get a little silly, its my patreon and I think Poff Ham is deserving of a spot in the muffin tier. Anyways, I actually drew the bloated boy with a fancy lil glass pen and ink i got from the Renaissance Faire. It was a bit tricky (and i stained my fingers on accident) but the outcome was pretty nice! I also did some shading in colored pencil too. Also, the Everette was me wanting to draw some bondage and emphasis on boobies lol.

#4- Poff but in the style of a pinup. I'm kinda rusty with full-body poses so doing this Poff pic was a good destress and practice. I didn't realize it until a bit later but he's kinda giving pikmin vibes??? anyways, take this pink twink with some squish on him :D



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