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Lots of bloobs this time around! I hurt my back/wrist at work so if these look on the sloppier side, I apologize. Nevertheless, I had fun drawing these even if they did put a bit of a strain on my body lol. Onto my elaborations~

#1: An experiment in hefty berry swelling sizes. Try saying that five times fast haha. Tbh sometimes i draw swollen bodies so often I forget how to draw slimmer body types, so I used this as an exercise to draw a more lean individual compared to them swollen up. Also, a bit of a shading exercise

#2: I saw a really pretty outfit on a mannequin at a store and went "I don't have the confidence to wear that but I can put it on my oc!" And that oc is no one other than Poff. Seems Poff ate a magic-contaminated muffin and is paying the price of it. Oh well, magic-intolerance-havers sometimes have to weigh the pros and cons :D

#3 and #4: Everette and Shun. I greatly enjoy drawing these two. While Poff and Evan is my main pair, I love the unhinged energy Eve and Shun bring to the room lol. Everette is a dramatic jerk and Shun is an unapologetic individual, I like the chemistry they have. Also it makes for funny interactions. I tried to make a more cohesive guide to Shun's anatomy (or lack there-of). Their cold, doll-like body is the main reason I draw them in very concealing outfits, bc it helps them maintain a façade of being an...organic(?) being? Listen, I can't exactly reveal WHAT Shun is yet but boy oh boy. Its a bit fucked up in terms of existence/natural order. Nevertheless their outlook on life is surprisingly lighthearted. 

#5: Outfits! I've been thinking of some casual outfits for the Bakery Gang bc I like clothes a lot haha. I've actually been holding onto this one for awhile bc I never know if people want to see my less kinky sketches? I get a bit worried people won't like them, mainly due to how kink-centric a lot of my works are. I genuinely want to know if people are interested in my not-so-kinky sketches/works of my ocs. I guess I'll ask now or I'll never know!




Great stuff, this muffin batch! Hope your wrist/back's feeling better, though