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So by the time I'm writing this I still have covid, so drawing is a bit tough but I managed to draw a couple things self indulgently to reward myself while I'm trapped in my room. Kinda funny how I contracted such right before I intended to go on hiatus lol.

Just in case it wasn't known, I'm taking September off for my classes, job, and to catch up with some comms I still have to complete.

First up, the sketch of last week's full color art. I really wanted to go for a more domestic vibe in terms of inflation, which is what led me to the whole 'Cordell laying atop his bloated boyfriend' idea. Casual, comfortable, something cute. 

Second image is actually rather old but I don't believe I ever posted it anywhere so, what better time then now. Just a Poff spontaneously blueberrying :D

Third image was spurred by recent watermelon kick I've been on. So far its been one of the more easier things I can eat while sick, so I've been consuming a lot of it as of late lol. I wanted to try out certain colors/overlays too so I gave myself an excuse to!

Last image is of Pantalone/Regrator and Dottore from Genshin bc as much as I hate the fandom, I genuinely do enjoy the villains and lore of the game. Personally I imagine Dottore to be into inflation, preferably on other men. Idk, blue-haired mad scientist passes the PuffPoff vibe check



David Banes

Weird despite paying more this was locked until I clicked on the payment page again. Also weird since you said you're taking payment hiatus.


I am so sorry about that, I recently tried organizing my rewards but it apparently screwed things up. Hopefully it should be fixed now!