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(jazz hands) sketchdump timeeee I hope these are liked, I'm sorry I don't really have anything super-duper explicit. I'm honestly a little burnt out atm and mostly wanted to focus on the flow/shapes of bodies and some writing. I hope they're enjoyed :)

The first couple of images up, Everett and Shun (the oc i use as my placeholder sona) and a bit of a deeper thing on their relationship. Eve is an ass and pretty much the only other character who is capable of putting him in his places sometimes is Shun. Is it bc Shun is the only person who can really fulfill Eve's desires in terms of his fruit fetish or is it bc they take none of his shit and make it clear they could easily expose him to the public should he fuck up? Probably a mixture of both tbh. Either way, Everett gets dommed by this enby vampire on a weekly basis. (Also i get easily embarrassed so me posting even a snippet of this story is a hefty step for me lol. Maybe one day I'll get the guts to post the full thing but for right now, just a page.)

Second drawing, some Valentine and Cordell. Bit of a personal hc of mine, but I imagine 90% of the time that vampires have some crazy stamina for sex. Val and Cordel being no exception lol. So a lil bit of a cumflated belly for Val, since they have been at it for a while now. It's been a while since I drew them but despite it, I think I did a nice job. 

Third drawing, Poff in a cute little lolita dress inspired by some I saw online. In case no one knew, I am kinda into more alternative types of fashion. I've worn lolita get-ups in public before and I love how floofy and layered they are. I just think Poff would have a similar idea in mind.

Lastly, a drawing of my beloved wereberry, Yuu. I almost completely forgot about this image but luckily I was flipping through my book and found him again. I imagine that unlike normal humans, his blush is actually either a cooler red color (think kinda purple-y) due to the blueberry curse he has. But as it gets closer to a full moon, it starts appearing bluer like above. I kinda really love drawing his clothes. Layered but simplistic :)



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