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I wanted to give these pics some color and cleaning because i felt bad how little I've been producing sketch-wise these past two weeks. My health kinda plummeted recently but im feeling better now! Not sure if im 100% but hey, its better than being at zero haha. Enough about me, time to talk about the art for this week :D

The first one is a relatively new dynamic I've been drawing up. If you follow me on twitter, you might have seen this trio around. Essentially the basic idea is a were-berry guy and his significant others and the funny little domestic life they live. Oh! And its about time I talk about their names: Rowan (Red), Gene (Yellow), and Yuu (Blue). Yuu is cursed to swell into a giant blueberry every full moon and this pretty much hindered a good portion of his romantic life until he met Gene and Ro who are actually really supportive and caring. I'm writing up actual bios for them but they exist in the same world as Poff and Co., just in a place more densely populated with your average humans.

Second image is of Kamisato Ayato because *sigh* im sorry but he's really pretty, I'm not gonna lie. I just think he'd look prettier as a blueberry hehe >:] (Its also Thoma x Ayato if you squint). Genshin really became one of those games I just love being a stupid goblin and running around in. Doesn't mean I don't have my criticism to give on it though lol bc ohhh man, I got my opinions on some characters...

Third and fourth are of Poff, my beloved boi. It's been a while since I paid attention to him so I gave him a cute new meme-y fit and redrew him in a classic outfit that long-time followers might remember haha. I honestly might redraw a few pieces of him and Evan for funsies in the future.



David Banes

Were-berry threesome dynamic is pretty fun.