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Now that I've mastered the art of bullshitting muscles, I can now make Eve the way I've wanted to redesign him for awhile now lol. 

Anyone who doesn't know who the blond hunk is, this is an oc named Everette, or Eve, that I made around the time I came back to Deviantart. He's kinda an antagonist of sorts, without being a real villain. He's just kinda shady and full of himself but other than that he's not a huge danger.
Everette's definitely got a blueberry fetish, resulting in him investing a portion of his company's profits in creating various different fruit-flavored treats. However, this is a guise for his goal of perfecting a science-based formula to induce berrying for his own personal affairs. (Not to mention he and his assistant Ren, who you might remember from a permaberry idea, are kinda fwb except they are both pining for one another lol).

The traditional sketches are mostly of assorted characters as well. Valentine and Cordell, Osca's giant seraphim bf Mikhail, and lastly Osca who is simply having a good time c:

Sorry there are so few sketches this batch, a lot of my effort honestly went into that Everette page and that doodle of him and Ren.



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