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I had many more sketches I wanted to share so here's a second sketch dump for this month lol. Honestly I could have held onto these until next month. Buuuuuut some of them I just couldn't wait to yammer on about. 

So I have recently developed a soft spot for berries that are slightly juiced lol. Like, you know how partially filled water ballons are always bottom heavy and wide? I thought the same could be applied to berry boys and ngl its cute to me. Bc that means they're a bit more soft as well since they aren't so taught.

I also finally decided to doodle some berry fanart of a particular poke man with black and white hair... I don't know why I haven't sooner but Piers is a perfect twink to berry up haha. Maybe in the future I'll draw something more elaborate. Meanwhile, enjoy other lorge boys included in this post.

Also, pardon the slight gas implication in the third image. I don't always draw it but sometimes it adds a sense of fullness to a doodle ya'know? 



Dublone (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-23 15:24:55 Your nips are too good. Also, I have never considered the 50% juiced > wide and squat form before, but I immediately adore it.
2021-05-22 19:53:11 Your nips are too good. Also, I have never considered the 50% juiced > wide and squat form before, but I immediately adore it.

Your nips are too good. Also, I have never considered the 50% juiced > wide and squat form before, but I immediately adore it.