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Hello hello! Hope y'alls March has been nice!

I don't really have anything interesting to say about this sequence other than I FINISHED ITTTTT. Thank you for the patience, I'm so glad I finally completed this. Now I can say I have more than one completed thing of Evan getting berried!

With art stuff out of the way now, I'm gonna give a life update/ramble about some things so feel free to skip this if you don't wanna read about my boring life lol

I've been dealing a lot with my own mental health lately and difficulty facing the days head on. I kid you not, my average wake-up time was around 4pm (which is not good!) leading to me being very lethargic and sad and missing the sun (or whatever there was of it bc its been so cloudly n rainly lately). I'm starting to fix it but I'm also struggling a lot with finding purpose again. I have very little idea of what I'd like to do for a career (if I can find one thats a good fit for me)/what I'd like to do as a long-term job. Even now, I struggle with my current job and the demands of having no idea when it ends/how late I'll get home. 

As depressing as all of that sounds, I'm trying my best. And if you're struggling with purpose or jobs or honestly just getting up in the morning like me. It's okay, we got this.



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