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So! I am finally on the mend. Health is about at a 70%? Which is way up from last week, so that's a win.

So here we have poor little Quinn getting used to her power... sort of.  It's not a dire cliffy, it's a something is around the corner ending


Chapter 93

Books Still Outstanding

Several days into normal Library operations, also known as the post-fine free period, Quinn was already at her wit's end. She'd always been a little bit more of the history and story buff, and definitely not a statistical and mathematics person. The amount of math that appeared to be involved in running this specific Library, irked her no end.

She had a gazillion lists she had to get through, some of which the Library had set her, and some of which she'd set herself, but the most daunting list of all, were the as yet still unreturned books.

Sure, they'd managed to return a substantial amount of the missing ones, but the problem was the opening of branches. Those required specific volumes to be returned to the Library in order for those avenues to be opened up. Which meant that there were high levels of combat and alchemy that she couldn't access until they at least had those up in working order. Which made her weak.

Quinn didn't like the idea of being a weak Librarian when there were whole species intent on wiping the Library and its purpose off the face of the cosmos.

"Focus." She told herself, turning her attention back to the long list on her HUD that she'd been staring at for the last half hour.

Books still outstanding: 10, 212

Books returned: 7773

Books currently being reproduced: 57

Restricted Vault Books missing: 12

Alert Level: High

Requirements for Library Branch openings. Defined by relevant book count only.

Horticulture: 412/720

Culinary Arts: 277/282

Crafting: 399/730

Alchemical/Medicinal: 241/384

Combat: 522/837

Academy: 461/785

Total: 18042 Books/Tomes/Codex

Numbers numbers everywhere and not a... and just so many books still to go.

On the bright side, they were only missing five more of the Culinary Arts books, and she knew one of those was being reproduced.

"You don't seem like a happy Librarian today," Malakai said from where he'd stopped to lean against her doorway, which she'd left open because she hated being confined to a stuffy office. Not that the Library wouldn't adjust the appearance for her if she so asked.

"I'm not a very happy Librarian today." She grumbled in agreement, running her hand through her annoying curls that refused to stay up in the bun today.

"You skipped this morning's training... but I figured you were probably sore. But I find you here pouring over... lists?" He moved in, all his usual swagger left at the door. Malakai actually appeared to be concerned.

She raised an eyebrow at him, squinting up at him. There was so much more she could sense from people now, ever since she'd synchronized. "Your grandfather asked you to check in on me, didn't he?"

Malakai shrugged. "He did, but I would have anyway. I'm taking it you've been up all night with this." He gestured wildly around her head. It wasn't like he could see her HUD from where he stood.

Quinn chuckled, finding herself automatically relaxing. She reached her arms up and stretched. He was right, after all. She had been up the entire night. Her shoulders were stiffer than a board, and she had a mild headache that threatened to spill fog across her vision.

Shaking her head she pushed herself up. "Enough of this. We're close to opening the culinary branch, but we need a lot of the ingredients for it. So... Come with me to chat with Cook?"

Malakai grinned. "Which gives me an excuse to eat Cook's food? You'll have to twist my arm."

"Nope. All Cook's food belongs to me." Quinn said, partially serious.

"Probably should go to Farrow to talk about the ingredients though, don't you think?" Malakai suggested.

Quinn thought about it and realized she should probably sleep. But Cook had a variation on caffeine that tasted less bitter and helped pick her up just as much. That would do for now."Na. I'll just grab a drink off Cook." Her tiredness was more from an overload of information than anything else. It appeared that lining up more with the Library was giving her more perks than just a deeper connection.

They stepped out of her office and into the majesty that was the Library.

Since they'd passed critical power mode, everything within shone with this light of hope. She wasn't certain how to describe it, except it felt like a spring day was constantly shining down on them through shafts of light that made it through the windows.

Granted power levels weren't completely out of the woods yet, but it was slowly getting there. Although it had slowed to a trickle since the fine free period was over.

Quinn glanced around toward the massive check-in desk to see a jolly Eric supervising a couple of their new recruits as they checked in a few straggler books. The imp had a huge grin on his face, and his wings appeared to be fluttering extra excitedly.

He caught Quinn's eye and flashed her a huge wink.

She had to suppress a laugh. He'd been wanting to impose fines for so long, she'd been a little worried to let him. But so far he hadn't incinerated anyone, so she figured that was a win.

His eagerness was contagious, and his little assistants were very forthright in the way they carried out the approved fines.

"He's having a ball, isn't he?" Malakai asked.

"Yeah. I think he has a lot of respect for the books."

Malakai raised an eyebrow. "Or he likes a bit of a powertrip."

"Or both." Quinn conceded.

To Quinn's surprise, as they made their way toward the kitchen, she could still spy many patrons strolling through the Library. There were golems assisting, assistants helping, and people from all different species sitting and chatting quietly in all the little seating alcoves and areas that were available to them.

The carts slowly shelved and reorganized sections, books flying to and from shelves with trails of happy magic.

The whole scene gave Quinn a sense of peace, of comfort, and serenity. She refused to think of it as a lull, but more of the way it should be. Tempting fate was never a good idea, regardless how little or much one might believe in it.

She turned her attention from the main part of the Library and beckoned for Malakai to follow her into the kitchen. The warm fuzzy feeling continued to grow once she got there too. The dining hall had at least a dozen people not employed by the Library in it, as well as some assistants.

They were all eating and chatting merrily. As if everything had gone back to normal.

Which it had.

But only for the last several days.

Quinn frowned.

"Uh oh." Malakai said. "What are you thinking about?"

She shook her head, not wanting to say anything out loud yet until she got a real handle on what it was that bugged her. "I'm thinking about how much I need some of that drink Cook makes me." Perhaps she was just feeling tired, and a little out of her depth.

Sure. That was it.

A hum sounded under her feet and she looked around surreptitiously to see if anyone else noticed it. It was very soft and subtle, nothing like when she'd been pulled into the world. Or even when she'd synchronized.

Malakai appeared oblivious, as did the rest of the dining hall. Cook was bustling with what appeared to be two cooking helpers behind the stove area. She'd never seen Cook appear so alive... so real.

Was that it? Was the fact that the Library was finally coming into his element just something to get used to.

Cook waved her over, making direct eye contact with her. "Librarian. You will be wanting this Mirta tea. You said it helps revitalize you. I can see that you have little energy this morning."

The humming that vibrated through the soles of her feet made them feel heavier, even tingled her bones a little bit. Perhaps she was just over-tired. That was a thing after all. "Thanks Cook." She said, smiling appreciatively as they also handed her a donut.

They paused as they did so, their deep eyes practically boring into her own. "Watch you don't get swept away." was all they said.

"What?" She asked, blinking rapidly.

Cook nodded. "Exactly. Don't get too bogged down in your thoughts. Look, and see, and feel. Your connection is stronger now, and you have to make sure it doesn't bog you down. Doesn't drain you too much."

"Oh." Quinn smiled and checked her energy levels.

Energy: 1285/1894

Yeah that appeared to be draining fast. She frowned, tapping into her connection to the core. Hey slow that drain down a bit. You've got a lot more of your own energy now.

There was a pause before the Library answered. I wasn't draining you. You were subconsciously pushing that toward me.

Quinn blinked. Odd again, but not unfathomable. To be fair. Highly probably given her current state of mine. Sorry, she said

The Library chuckled. Don't be sorry. If you don't tell me, I'll take anything you're giving me especially as we're transitioning. Here, I'll place an emergency only on it for now. Help you gain that equilibrium.

Thanks. Quinn said, and immediately felt the strange hum lessen. But it didn't disappear entirely.

She munched on her donut as she snagged Cook's attention again. "Do I talk to you or Farrow about the ingredients the Culinary Branch needs?"

Cook's interest definitely wasn't in her imagination. Their whole facial expression changed. "Oh... Farrow and I have been working on the list, but she would be better equipped to inform you of the status Librarian. Are we close?"

There was so much hope in their voice, Quinn couldn't help but grin in return. "Yeah. We're getting pretty close I think."

She waved goodbye and trundled over to Farrow's area past the Dining hall and on the way to the Book Infirmary. Malakai toodled after her, also snacking on multiple donuts. Quinn was excited that people liked them so much. It should mean they'd be a staple for a long time to come.

But as soon as she stepped past the dining hall, part of that sensation came back. It could just be that her connection had grown that much stronger, but something nagged at the back of her mind anyway.

Misha stood with Farrow, going over the rows of planter boxes in their massive indoor greenhouse area. It had come a long way from all being cramped into the kitchen when Quinn first arrived as the Librarian.

Massive terrariums for all the different bookworms were spread out in one section. Their rainbow hues gave beautiful lighting to the whole area. Next to the far walls were darkened holding tanks that she could only assume the silverfish lived in. She was sure Misha had mentioned getting their hands back on the supply.

The rest of the vast area, which was a lot larger than she remembered initially, was filled with raised planter beds and myriad herbs, plants, spices, and weeds. Quinn could even feel the power emanating from them.

Magical medicinal plants.

"Ah. Librarian." Misha inclined their head. "Have you come to see the progress?"

Quinn nodded... still feeling like she was walking in a dream. As if everything she'd taken it into her head to do today was happening without any effort on her part. Which it was. Completely and utterly. "I wanted to talk to Farrow and you about where we stand on the ingredients for opening the culinary branch."

It felt like deja vu. Like everything she was doing had been done already. Even though she knew she'd said much the same to Cook... that didn't account for the strange sensation running through her.

Farrow stepped forward, all willowy grace and dignity. She bowed briefly before reporting. “We currently have 240 of the 287 ingredients necessary to enable the opening of the branch. I will have the other 47 ready within the next week or two. I'm hoping for one, but I will ask for two should I run into any unforeseen circumstances.”

Even her voice sounded like a song.

Quinn found herself smiling in response. "Excellent. Looks like we'll be able to open that one soon then."

"But not before I have finished recreating the one culinary book we had to burn." Narilin's tone was harsh as she came toward them from the direction of the book infirmary. "That will also take several more days to be reconstituted. We were short some of the correct ink. I apologize."

Quinn nodded. "That's perfectly fine." She blinked around as Aradie hooted softly, coming in to land deftly on Quinn's shoulder leathers.

She turned and looked at the owl who head-butted her with concern.

"No. I'm really okay." Quinn said, scratching the back of the owl's neck. "Even if I don't look like it."

But the owl kept rubbing a wing against her cheek like she was trying to say something more.

Quinn blinked and turned around, eyeing Malakai, Misha, Farrow, and Narilin. "How did you all know I'd be here?"

"In this room?" Misha asked, confusion coloring their tone.

"Yes. How did you know I was going to come through here asking all sorts of questions about getting the Culinary Branch up and running." Quinn's head felt like it was spinning now. The hum sang through to her bones. The Library felt like home.

And everything felt much too easy.

Malakai stepped forward. "Because you mentioned it to me."

"Not you. You, I told, but the rest? How is everyone here... instead of my coming to you?"

Narilin paled slightly, and Farrow simply crossed her arms, but it was Misha who spoke.

The supervisory golem cleared her throat and spoke somewhat haltingly. "You called us here. We can tell where you're going if you let us know now. Did you not mean to?"

Quinn shook her head. "I didn't know I was broadcasting my intentions." She groaned. That was yet another thing she was going to have to learn to tamp down on.

Except, that wasn't the only thing. She sighed. And she didn't want to say the words. "I just think there's something we haven't thought of... and all of this feels way too much like the calm before another storm."

Malakai groaned this time. "I thought you didn't like it when people did that."

"I don't." she grumbled. "But it had to be said."

"No. You could have said. Hey I'm tired and I'm broadcasting, I'm going to sleep now I have answers. But instead, you just tempted the doom and gloom." Malakai held his hands up. "Nope. You taught me this, remember? Whatever happens next, it's all your fault."

He flashed her a wink, but Quinn couldn't help thinking he was right.

Now all she had to do was figure out what was about to happen before it did. And she could forestall the gloom.



Okay so here we have Quinn broadcasting her location and intentions to the Library and everyone connected to her through it. Oops?

It's all good. She has to learn to control all these little bits and pieces. I just remembered I meant to have her talk to Dottie in this chapter to, but did, in fact now. Therefore I'll have to pull Dottie in in the next one.

Hope you liked this. I wanted a fun little oopsie chapter with some book stat updates before we dive into some heavier shit to come.

Much love



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