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So... This might be a little cliffy...

I loved writing this... and I think the draft of the next one is almost right, but I have to tweak it some more.

hope you enjoy this


Chapter 84

Winding Down

Every time Quinn ventured down the stairs and into what she now thought of as an enchanted cavern to visit the core, a strange sense of peace washed over her. Maybe peace was the wrong word. It wasn't entirely accurate. It was more like the moment she set foot on that slightly spongy floor, she suddenly felt like she was coming home.

Like everything almost clicked into place.

The Library had echoes of the mother that Quinn was finding it more and more difficult to remember, of the family that she'd assumed she'd been loved in, that she swore she had glimpses of a happy childhood from. But the thing was, they were all fleeting images, almost like the ones Aradie gave her when Aradie was trying to explain things.

It was hard to remember what her life had been like before she entered the foster system. She had vague recollections of a grandmother who baked and of parents who had given her the occasional hug, at least, she thought they had. There were memories of the caring and comfort and safety to be who she was.

But when she was down here, they were no longer vague or just memories. That's what the Library gave her. And she clung to it eagerly.

Aradie nestled in the crook of Quinn's neck, somehow wrapping Quinn's ponytail around her like a blanket, but not in such a way that she became entangled. Quinn chuckled as she walked across the vast cabin floor and scratched Aradie's neck again.

"There there, girl, it's all good. This is going to be long-awaited and productive," she said, pushing all the hope she had into her voice.

Aradie hooted like she was skeptical about Quinn's goals.

"No really, it's going to be productive. Finally, the Library has some power, we've solved one of the worst problems, and we have a couple of leads to go off for the Serpensiril allies. I think I've been patient enough."

Aradie's next hoot sounded like the bird couldn't help but agree with Quinn.

There you go, the Library's voice echoed around her and in her head. Trying to turn my own night owls against me, are you?" The Library asked, but it wasn't really a question. There was a definite humorous tone to the words.

The owl hooted again, like she was telling the Library that she was her own owl and belonged to no one.

Quinn's stress levels began to even out, despite the dangers to both herself and the Library that loomed on the horizon still. Despite all of the shenanigans being orchestrated by whoever was orchestrating them. Despite whoever had been in cahoots with Kora and tried to destroy the Library in the first place not to mention killing all the remaining potential Librarians.

Despite all that, Quinn's stress disappeared with the surrounding atmosphere, and both the Library and Aradie played a large part in that. Down here with the Core, she felt as safe as it was possible for her to be under the circumstances. Frankly, even with the circumstances, down here just felt right.

"I wouldn't have to steal them or turn them against you if you actually told me everything I need to know." She grumbled half-heartedly at the Library.

Ah, Quinn, we have had this discussion before

"And we will have it again," Quinn said. "I know it, you know it, doesn't mean I can't be irritated by it."

Understood, the Library said, I'm just grateful that you also realize that there are things that cannot be disclosed to you until such a time that you have reached certain milestones of knowledge and that the Library has reached certain levels of power. There is a lot that goes into my makeup. So much history...

"You don't say," Quinn said. If the Library had been corporeal in nature and walking next to her she would have elbowed it in the ribs. "I do understand, even if it's extremely frustrating to be constantly kept in the dark even though not being in the dark could likely hinder me, or confuse me, or both. Probably both."

Quinn chuckled as she ran the conundrum over in her mind. Even with the threat still very real... as long as they stayed safe, they had all the time in the universe. Finally reaching the middle of the cavern where the massive core stood, she sighed happily.

"Ah," she said, "this is perfect."

Aradie hooted once softly, tugged on one of Quinn's hairs, and flew up to alight onto one of the branches. Quinn glacned around. "You know, it's very odd that a tree like you with the all-encompassing quiet, is surrounded by so much darkness. I've always associated trees with light and the outdoors, but here in this place... it still feels right."

That's the beauty of a tree of knowledge, the Library said.

"Keep telling yourself that." Quinn grinned. "I've got a feeling there's a lot more to you than that."

The Library chuckled softly and then let out a contented sigh. The sensation rippled all through the room like a breath, a deep inhalation. If Quinn focused really, really hard, she was sure she could almost hear a heartbeat. Curiosity nibbled at the back of her mind. She had so many questions.

Well, Quinn, thank you for coming as I requested. I appreciate you going out of your way when it really is busy up there.

"Of course I'd make time. You asked me to come." She jingled the bag in her hand. "Cook sent me with supplies. I didn't know you ate."

The Library chuckled. I don't precisely eat in the way you're thinking. The food in the bag is not for me, it is for you.

"Something about synchronization, right?"

Yes, the Library said and for just a moment Quinn felt like something was peering into her soul. Something about synchronization is accurate. But first, I think there are some things weighing on your mind. Talk to me, Quinn.

Of course, I've got something on my mind. I've had something on my mind since you guys dragged me into this dimension, is what Quinn wanted to say. However, instead, she turned and patted the trunk. "What exactly are you?"

The Library seemed to hesitate. Finding that out is part of why you need to stay for a while. There are concepts larger than you, larger than the Library, frankly bigger than all of us combined. And you need to form an intrinsic understanding of how this world was formed to fully comprehend how I came to be and what I am. Do you understand?

"Well, obviously not," Quinn said, "because you didn't tell me anything. You just told me that I need to know more to understand what you haven't told me yet. Does that not seem highly convoluted and a roundabout way to say, 'Listen, Quinn, we're gonna tell you a story and then I'll tell you what I am'?"

There's a majesty to storytelling, Quinn. Let me spin my story the way I want to, please. The Library managed to sound ever so slightly offended.

This time, Quinn laughed. "It's okay, I understand. So," Quinn continued, putting the bag of food on her lap and fingering the fold-down section of it, she thought for a few seconds, trying to really summarize what it was she wanted to ask in the first place.

"So," she said again, "is this like a serious magical Library birds-and-the-bees talk then?"

The Library paused for a moment. You know, Quinn, I think that's exactly what this will to be like.

"Okay," Quinn said, mulling it over, "what exactly do you need for me to do for this to work?"

Listen to and experience what I have to say, question me some, because I doubt that you couldn't. Then listen some more and trust that the synchronization process will work for us, will work for you and will bring some more clarity to the things that you don't yet know and overall to your position as Librarian.

Quinn analyzed the words. She knew the Library was deliberately leaving things out and being circumspect. Not only could she hear it, but she could feel it and yet there was no malice contained within. There was no ill-conceived purpose, simply the will to do it in the correct order of things.

"Why now? What's so different about right now?" Quinn asked. "Why couldn't we do this weeks ago?"

Is that really a question, Quinn? the Library asked, leaving the question open.

The thing was, Quinn knew it wasn't. They had had so much to do, repairing the Library, getting rid of the bookworms, rediscovering some of the books, returning books, making the Library operational, gathering assistants, repairing the filters, boosting up the power levels of the Library. She knew the answer to her question.

"Yeah, I know," she said begrudgingly.

We never had the power before, Quinn. This is going to require quite a bit of that power. We had to wait until we got the Library to this level for us to synchronize fully.

"So we weren't before?" Quinn asked despite knowing the answer.

No and you're fully aware of that fact.

"And this synchronization will make me a whole Librarian?" Because even now, Quinn knew there were elements of her role here missing. Like pieces of a puzzle.

I think that is an accurate description, the Library said.

"Well, is it going to be like Lynx was when he had to reset?" Quinn pushed.

The Library actually laughed. No, you are not a manifestation of me, Quinn. You are my Librarian. I can't just absorb you into my being and have you come out fixed, or even come out fully formed. So no, I will not be absorbing you as I did Lynx.

Quinn cocked an eyebrow. "You know, you would think that was an extremely comforting thing to say to a person, but oddly, in this set of circumstances, it really isn't."

Huh, the Library said and then there was a pause. I need you to know that some of what you witness, and some of the information you gain might cause confusion... it may even be upsetting.

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Is it something malicious?"

No. Never malicious.

Quinn nodded mulling it over. "Then I will do my best not to react until I've had time to digest what is revealed."

Thank you.

"Is there a way I should sit? Should I eat now?" Quinn wiggled herself into the little divet she had for her butt. It really was oddly comfortable.

Take a breath, Quinn. I'm going to give you a very basic setup for this. Okay?

"Okay," Quinn said, slightly wary.

Just sit how you usually do. Lean in that little root area that you've made yourself, and lean against my trunk. Before we synchronize, I need you to understand where I come from.

"Well... okay then." she said, leaning into the comfortable alcove of the tree. "Hit me."

What? the Library asked.

"Like, tell me, give me the information."

Oh, that's a rather novel way to say that. Anyway. As you can probably guess, I've been around a very long time.

"Can we skip over the bleeding obvious and get to the summary of what we're on about today?" Quinn drawled out in boredom.

Quinn, patience is a virtue.

"Yes, but not one of mine."

The Library chuckled. Okay. Back when chaos ran rampant through the universe, creating, my kind was one of the first events. When we realized that chaos began devouring what it created, that it began feeding back in on itself, we realized that something had to be done. One of those solutions was the Library, which was spearheaded by my family. Of sorts.

"Well I mean no one disputes that you're the Library."

Becoming the Library required a lot of work, a lot of magic, not just from me, but all of it ended up contained within me. This was done so we could spread magic equally so that magic was available to everybody and anybody without the risk of destroying them and without destroying that for which it had been used.

Quinn was silent for a second. "Okay, so the Library was created to make sure that this expansive universe didn't eat itself and everything in it."

Do you understand how huge this scope is?

"Yes." Quinn suddenly felt the true gravity of the situation. A wave of nausea hit her ever so subtly. "And I need to know this because...

While you are synchronizing with me, there may be glimpses of things that that brief history will help you understand and process.

"So we're talking large-scale, mind-blowing stuff?"

Very large scale, the Library answered.

"Okay then, how do we do this synchronization?"

Just settle in comfortably.

Even as Quinn moved, she could feel the floor morph into almost a mattress underneath her, one of those memory foam ones that formed around the body. It was like a big cloudy hug.

Are you comfortable?

"Yeah, yeah I am." There were parts of the bed or the trunk that extended out and combed through Quinn's hair, lightly touching her scalp. "Okay. Is that normal?"

Yeah, it is. I need to have as close a connection as I can manage with you. How do you feel?

"Okay. Shouldn't I have eaten already?" Quinn was starting to feel ever so slightly nervous.

You'll need to eat now. Grab the first one out. This will allow you to synchronize fully with me. I won't have many secrets, but at this point in time it is very important we risk this. You will need the power and understanding going forward.

"Isn't it going to be difficult to eat sitting lying down like this?" Quinn didn't relish the idea of choking on her food.

No, that food is just going to melt in your mouth.

Quinn, slightly skeptical, ripped off some and put it into her mouth. It did in fact melt. It felt like a dripping cinnamon sundae. It was amazing.

She felt her eyes grow heavy as she put the second piece in her mouth. She didn't even remember putting the third piece in. And suddenly she was floating in space with stars. And then everything went black.


Not long after Quinn fell unconscious, the core lit up like a blue shower of sparks all the way through its branches, leaves, and right down to the trunks and all through Quinn.

Did you get it done? The Library asked.

A long sigh sounded from behind the trunk. “Barely. But I got what we need.”

Good. Our connection was tenuous at best from the start. We need to reinforce it.

"Are you sure this is wise to do now?" Milaro asked, stepping out from the shadows. His long blond hair lit up with faint white highlights from the blue lighting.

You told me it was necessary. Have you changed your mind? The Library countered.

Milaro shook his head. "It's definitely necessary. She can't access all of her powers yet, all of her abilities. And we are in too dire a situation to maintain the slow pace we have until now."

This is slow? She's barely been here over a month. For anyone else, in any other time, this would be acceptable, even speedy, Librarian progress.

"But this isn't any other time. This is the now we have. Do you think she'll understand?" He pulled a small bottle out of his pocket, idly toying with it.

I have high hopes. And she has promised not to react immediately.

Milaro closed his eyes for a few seconds, reaching out with his mind to make sure Quinn was deep in the synchronization trance. "She's almost ready. Almost deep enough..."

Then it must be done now, the Library said, a trace of melancholy in her tone.

"Very well," Milaro said, and he took a dropper from the bottle and let a single drop of liquid onto Quinn's tongue. "Let's just hope she's as prepared as you think she is."

The Library continued to flicker.


EEEEEE right? hahaha 

I cannot wait to share the next one with you

Much love



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