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And it's another week gone.

Tomorrow we have February.

I'm going to make January a trial month and usher in February as my new one. 

How was your start to 2024?

On the bright side, I'm chugging along with Library and still having a blast with the story. 

When I write, I try to leave most chapters at a point where you can stop, but you really want to turn the page. This is how I stay up until 3am (or 6am haha) because I have to turn to the next page and don't want to stop.

And so, that's how I write. I try to make about 50% of the chapters easy enough stops. 25% of them where you would really like to push on but could stop, and I really try hard to aim for about 25% of my chapters only being Cliffhangers. 

Do I always get that ratio right? Nope. Not at all. 

But leaving an impetus to continue on not only works for the reader, it works for my brain too.

Would it help if I let people know if there's a cliffhanger at the end of a chapter? So they can wait for the next chapter before reading?

Let me know.


A few bits of news!

I will be attending Dragon Con as a professional again this year. I will also be attending Jordan con as well.

Library is up to Chapter 72 on Royal Road, which means depending on your tier you currently have access to Chapters:

73, 77, and 82.

... and this formatting thing is really bugging me

Much love



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