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Ooooo gotta love overdoing it magic wise, right?

Silly Quinn


Chapter 78

Second Wave

There were drawbacks to absorbing a lot of knowledge at once.

The first was that Quinn constantly needed to replenish her energy levels. The second was that even if she had food capable of helping her replenish her energy levels, absorbing so much information that she was basically chaining regeneration food and energy balls... had detrimental effects.

That much knowledge in such a short period of time had, in hindsight, been an extremely bad idea if the pounding in her skull was anything to go by.

On the day the new Library applicants were due to arrive, Quinn stumbled down her stairs and into the kitchen, leaning on the counter next to Cook. Before she spoke, she realized she had somehow buttoned the shirt she was wearing in the wrong order. She breathed out, "It's gonna be one of those days." as she rebuttoned it.

Cook shot her a glance but didn't say anything.

"I see what you're doing," she said, her head pounding as if she had somehow drunk three bottles of liquor. She assumed that was the case, since the most she'd ever managed was a couple of shots. "Do you have anything to take this headache away?"

Cook put a cup down right in front of her with a resounding clank. "I do believe you were informed multiple times not to overdo it with knowledge absorption."

Quinn shot him a minor glare, but even that hurt her head. It made her feel decidedly sorry for herself. "What's this? Is it like a tonic? Am I gonna cry because of the taste?" She sniffed it, but it didn't smell bad. In fact, it didn't smell at all. She eyed it skeptically and threw it back. It was very slightly sour but not in a bad way, more in a remnants of lemon juice way. It tickled her throat, stung a little, and then it was gone.

A couple of seconds later, something like rejuvenation flowed through her, almost like a healing potion, with a side of refreshing.

Quinn looked at the cup in astonishment and then at Cook. "What was that? It was amazing." She could already feel the pounding headache subsiding. Not completely, there was still a little bit of pounding in the background, but it was more like she'd dialed down the volume on the bass drum instead of having it smashed directly into her head.

"That was what I believe you would refer to as a hangover cure, except in this world it is for magical hangovers." Cook's expression barely changed, but she did get the sensation Cook was lecturing her. "Overusing your abilities gives you the same type of reaction. Absorbing knowledge is simply like an extension of your magical abilities. Thus, it has the same effect."

"Oh," Quinn said, still relishing the mostly clear headed feeling. "Well, I like it. Can I keep some of that on me?"

"Are you planning on regularly overusing your powers?" Cook said reprovingly.

Quinn blushed slightly. "No, but I just like to be prepared."

"Should you leave the Library, I will make sure one goes with you. But until then, you can come to me to get your cures. I do not advise you to push it, Quinn. You need to learn where your boundaries lie." Cook finished making whatever food was being prepared, bundling it up in paper before sliding it into a bag.

"Thanks, Cook," she said.

"You need to hurry up. I do believe the applicants are about to arrive."

Quinn glanced at the time in the corner of her HUD. It was earlier in the morning than she'd like. Sitting around seven in the morning. It seemed the new batch of assistants were over punctual. Quinn headed out, slightly rejuvenated now.

Cook hadn't been lying. There were already about a dozen people mingling around in front of the check-in counter, with Lynx standing directly in the middle. She shot him a thought. Are these all applicants?

Why, yes, I am so glad you're observant, he replied.

You're angry with me. It wasn't a question, Quinn knew full well from the waves of emotion emanating from the manifestation that he was annoyed with her.

Yes, I am, he said, multitasking as he took in applications from the people around him. They segregated into smaller groups, chatting amongst each other, and he turned to join Quinn, speaking softly as he did. "You overspent energy in a reckless way. You can't afford to do that. Promise me you'll be more responsible next time."

She'd never heard Lynx speak so vehemently before, and found herself agreeing quickly. "Promise."

"Good." He took in a breath, "You are not conducting the interviews..."

But Narilin cut him off, suddenly standing directly next to Quinn. "Except for mine, right?"

Quinn blinked at the Salosier's arrival. "What do you mean yours? You're already our book doctor."

"I mean my siblings will be here shortly, and I was hoping that they would get the chance to speak to you directly, as I did. About the rolls they can play here." Narilin seemed oddly hesitant in her speech, which gave Quinn pause.

Quinn frowned. "I'm sure I can talk to them about their applications?" Lynx gave her an almost imperceptible nod and Quinn continued. "Is there anything I should know beforehand?"

Narilin grimaced slightly. "They are not all like me. Less studios, perhaps, although no less competent."

"No less competent sounds good to me." Quinn said. "So they're going to be able to heal up my books just like you can?"

Narilin nodded. Quinn could practically feel the anticipation rolling off her book doctor.

"I'll give them an interview. Is there anything else I should know about their applications?"

Narilin hesitated. "They are also specialized in areas I believe the Library currently needs."

"Good to know." Quinn turned and looked at Lynx. "What do you think?"

Lynx raised an eyebrow as he was leafing through the rest of the applications. "That's acceptable. Malakai will be here shortly. Dottie and Geneva are also interviewing."

"What about Eric?" Quinn asked, glancing over at the imp.

Lynx crossed his arms. "Do you really want Eric to interview potential librarian assistants?"

Quinn cringed. "Probably best he just stays in charge of the check-in desk."

"That was what I was going to do," Eric said loud enough for them to hear where they stood, literally checking in books as he spoke.

Quinn smiled and led Narilin over to the exact spot where she previously interviewed the Salosier. "How about here? What do you think?"

"Thank you, Librarian." Narilin took a deep breath. "I realize we have had some contention on occasion. I do apologize for this. Sometimes I am rather passionate about my work." As she spoke, the leaves in her hair gently rustled. "I do hope my siblings are amenable to your tastes."

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Narilin, as long as they can do the job as well as you, I'll be happy. Even half as well as you."

Narilin gave a small smile. "I'm glad half as well is acceptable. I am the most talented among my peers."

Quinn had to suppress a small smile as they sat down.

Aradie swooped down to rest on Quinn's shoulder, nuzzling her ear. She absentmindedly held up some seed for her owl, which the Aradie gladly took. Then there was a light peck on Quinn's ear as Aradie sent her a mental image. There was an undercurrent of wanting attached to it. The night owl wanted a mouse or something a little fleshier.

"You can get that on your own time," Quinn murmured at the bird.

Aradie sent out a very displeased aura, and Narilin looked on slightly perturbed. Quinn took to watching the others interview the new intake while she waited for the salosier sisters to arrive. More applicants gathered around. All of her assistants were working hard, dividing up all these different people into groups with Malachi, Lynx, Geneva, and Dottie.

Quinn saw new species that she'd never seen before. There were rock-like people. They had crevices in them and were like black, almost volcanic rock, she guessed. Some of them had beautiful streaks of what must have been gemstones running through them in blues, reds, and the occasional green as well.

She inspected them


Sedimentites - Rock and Earth based creatures
Located in the: Illukai Region
Library Allies for: Time immemorial

They had been with the Library since the beginning of time, and the alliance they held with the Library was firm. They seemed to be from the same region as the Aracnios. She wondered why the Sedimentites hadn't been in the first group of applicants. Another thing to ask Lynx later.

Or you could just ask me, the Library spoke up.

Of course, I could, but half the time you don't answer me, so it doesn't matter, Quinn thought back at it.

Shouldn't you be working?

I am.

Quinn looked at the next group she hadn't ever seen before. Not that she'd even scratched the surface of the universe. They looked like skittering prey mantises crossed with ants. And they walked upright. It was a very segmented body with elongated arms and long antennae. They only stood about three feet high, and they were called the Mantishia.

Mantishia - Anticular Mantis
Located in the: Efrium Region
Library Allies for: 15,629 years

When the remnants of her absorption headache weren't still trying to bash in the back of her skull she was going to find research materials on some of the region's histories. At least she now understood exactly what they meant by backlash and overdoing it.

The next group of people to enter the Library really caught Quinn's attention. Narilin stood up and Quinn could sense an overall happiness emanating from the salosier. It seemed she had missed her siblings. The three of them all looked very similar and yet, at the same time, extremely different.

One of them had white blossoms cascading down her hair and extremely dark wooden skin. The group of them reached out, grasping each other's hands with their elongated fingers in what seemed to be a celebration of reunion. They leaned in toward each other with a soft kiss to each other's left cheeks in some sort of greeting habit.

Two of them looked almost identical. Their skin some form of oak, more orange than red or brown. Quinn watched them as they embraced each other and brought their applications over, ushered by Narilin, who was barely containing her excitement.

"These are my sisters. They're my seed sisters," Narilin said in a tone of voice that Quinn had never heard from her before. Apparently, being excited and with loved ones trumped any grumpiness that she ever felt.

"Nice to meet you," Quinn said as she took the applications. "I'm the Librarian."

She stood up and reached her hand out to shake theirs as Narilin introduced them one by one.

"This is Arilin."

Quinn shook the hand of one of the oak sisters, dreading the next names.

"This is Marilin."

Quinn just knew it.

"And this is Jane."

Quinn stopped short, trying not to laugh as she shook the hand of the sister with the white-flower hair.

"Excellent," Quinn said, knowing that she would remember Jane's name the easiest. She glanced at the applications, noting that Jane possessed 14 of the 16 affinities, while the other two had 12 each. Just like Narilin said. Not quite as good as she was.

"Wonderful. Your applications are looking wonderful." Quinn said. They were all a little younger than Narilin. But their records were immaculate, just as their sister's. "Do you have any specific places in the Library you would like to take part in?"

Jane raised her hand, her delicate nine fingers curling into a soft fist. "I would love to assist Narilin in the book infirmary."

Quinn nodded. "I think, at least for now, we definitely still need the help. That would be fantastic."

Jane practically glowed as she inclined her head.

Arilin and Marilin looked at each other. "We would love it if we could assist in the growing of magical herbs and plants that you might need assistance with in the Library. Our specialty is, as you can see on our applications, horticulture. Is that acceptable?"

Quinn couldn't believe that they quite literally spoke in unison. Narilin saw her slightly shocked expression. "They are twins. They often speak together."

Quinn glanced over at where Jim and Bob were helping Eric with returns.

"That's fine. I think we will take you to meet Farrow and see how Farrow feels about having assistance. Farrow will however be your boss. She will be in charge of you and you will have to do what she says." Quinn did her best stern teacher impression.

"We accept." The twins said.

"Then I don't see a problem with this, though we'll have to talk to Farrow first and then you'll all have to undergo the training to be a Librarian assistant. Sometimes people change their mind."

"Oh, I don't think we will," the twins answered, a beautiful smile on their faces.

Quinn glanced at Jane, who was simply sitting there smiling. They were all ethereally beautiful. It made Quinn wonder if that was a species-related element.

"What about you, Jane? Anything else?" she asked.

Jane just shook her head, the white flowers dancing merrily in her hair. "If I get to repair books, I don't see how I could be dissatisfied."

Quinn stood up and spoke. "Misha,"

The golem appeared directly next to her. "Yes, Librarian?"

"Could you please take Narilin's sisters, Arilin and Marilin, to Farrow? Have them check in with her and see if Farrow is needing any assistance with the horticulture section of our magical herb and plant growth."

"Very well, Librarian. Follow me." Misha beckoned the two to follow her and turned briskly to walk them to Farrow's domain.

Quinn felt quite accomplished.

Narilin turned to her. "I will take my sister to the book infirmary. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes," Quinn said and watched as they left. Narilin seemed much more amenable with some of her peers around, directly related peers that is. Quinn mulled that over a little. Maybe that was a Salosier thing. Being close with each other.

That portion of the hiring process went very smoothly.

She turned to see that Lynx and the rest of them had begun dividing their people into even smaller groups and had, in fact, sent maybe two dozen people away. Quinn felt confident to leave it all in their hands. She was following the HUD's information stream as the new applications were entered into the system.

So far, it seemed another ten people, plus the sisters. Things were going well.

Quinn could even feel through the thrum that entered her body through her feet that the third filtration column's activation was making itself known. The power was almost tangible. Maybe it was just because she'd learned so much in the last couple of days that everything felt tangible, but she liked to think the Library was getting back on its feet again."It's going  well, don't you think, Aradie?"

Arity let out a long mournful hoot as if she was saying, Why did you have to say that?

Quinn scritched the bird's neck and laughed.

At least until a few seconds later when the Library announced a door opening related to recruitment.

Door B27, accessing recruits 83, 84, and 86.

Quinn watched with curiosity that turned to horror when she realized that the next three recruits were serpensirils, complete with filled-out applications they shouldn't have had.


Okay, so this one is a little cliff hangery. I apologize, but also don't because sometimes you've just got to make a big fat exclamation point!

Uh ohhhhh Serpensiri applying where they shouldn't!

See you on Thursday.

Much love




Arilin, Marilin, Narilin... that won't get confusing at all... I very much like how Misha simply appears out of thin air when needed. In my head it kinda feels like a noble lady's trusted butler appearing exactly like that. No idea why.

Joe Gallagher

Narilin grimaced slightly. "They are not all like me. Less studios, perhaps, although no less competent." Studios -> studious?