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Hey there everyone!

So... I have been pretty sick this last week. I'm allergic to strawberries and went out for my husband's birthday and ordered something that shouldn't have had strawberries in it... but in which they put them...

Basically saw me down and out for about 3 full days. I'm mostly okay again but sheesh that took it out of me.

Onto some Patreon problems.

I have been pushing out updates to my tiers on the days I unlock chapters for them. However... I know that not everyone gets those updates. I have also been in deep discussion with Patreon representatives about this.

There is no solution for it, except for me to update them manually as I do, and hope for the best.

I sincerely apologize for any inconveniences but I honestly do try to push through the updates.

So! Right now Royal Road is up to chapter 64! Which means, depending on your tier you will currently have access to:

65, 69, and 74!

I hope you're all doing well. 

Thank you so much for being here

Much love



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