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Hey there everyone!

How have you all been? Let's get down to some nitty gritty truths from the Library shall we?



Chapter 63


Not as susceptible to chaos.

The words rang through Quinn's mind.

A lot of things ran through Quinn's mind.

However, at the forefront of her thoughts, she couldn't shake one persistent idea.

"Haven't you scanned me before? Seems hugely remiss not to have," she mused.

The library's voice managed to sound quite offended when it replied, Of course we scanned you. We had to scan for you to find you and locate you with pinpoint accuracy to pull you through to our little dimensional pocket. So yes, we scanned you.

"Well, why are you surprised by my chaotic resistance, I guess?" Quinn said, trying the phrase out on her tongue and realizing she liked it.

We don't scan people for chaotic resistance. It's not a standard scan. We pull everyone through a doorway to us directly. They bypass any type of chaotic magic that's evident in space by traversing through to our dimension.

"Don't you think, with the rampant run of chaos, that it should be a regular scan?"

There is an alarm that gets set off if anybody enters the Library who has high chaotic magic content in them. There was a pause as if the Library needed to figure out how to phrase something better. Think radioactive contamination back on Earth.

Quinn mulled that over, but it still didn't sit right. "Doesn't it stand to reason that anyone with higher tolerance or with a saturation of, I guess, chaotic radiation, that they could potentially be a conspirator?" Quinn asked very carefully because the Library seemed quite put out, and Quinn couldn't tell if it was with her or perhaps with itself.

Library protocols already notify us if somebody tarnishes the area around them in the Library. We immediately isolate them. But this could be potentially added protection. Given our current situation, that is.

"You sound awfully hesitant," Quinn said.

I'm hesitant because I do not understand why this isn't something I'd already implemented. It feels like I would have done this already, and yet it is not in place.

"Could that be one of those gaps that you're missing?" Quinn asked.

The library laughed, another tinkle of bells chiming but in a discordant way. It very well could be, and it very likely is.

"Are you getting worse?" Quinn asked.

The leaves jostled ever so gently, their circuit-like lighting somehow melancholy.

There are simply more holes than expected. We'll patch them up. Siliqua and Hirish appear to be getting close to a solution. But the Library didn't sound overly confident about that.

"Is it possible to scan for entrants and see if there's anyone with the same signature that Kajaro had?" Quinn asked, softly.

No, I did not scan Kajaro's signature.

Quinn felt slightly deflated, but then again, this world had magic - wasn't anything possible? "Is it something you can do through memory?"

No, the Library said. That is not something we can do through memory. We can sift through memories. There might be a tell evident in some of his manerisms if you are willing to let Milaro help you analyze those.

Quinn nodded. "I need more mind magic training anyway. Sounds like a plan."

If we can get some more security measures in place, it'll be easier too. Can't be too careful now we are technically open.

Quinn perked up at the last. "Do you think there's the chance that one of the assistants is, I don't know, a spy?"

The Library hesitated. I wouldn't discount the possibility. Doesn't it make sense for whoever is doing whatever has been done to take advantage of the fact that we aren't up and running at full capacity? That we don't have full power, that our scans aren't as encompassing as usual, to insert somebody into the midst of our operation? Or at the very least, send patrons to scout us out?

Quinn nodded.

The Library continued. It doesn't matter if they don't have the librarian's signature because they don't need it just to be an assistant or just to return a book.

Quinn shivered. "Do you think I'm in danger?" she asked suddenly.

Yes, the Library responded immediately, and with you in danger, we're all in danger. So just be careful who you trust, Quinn.

Quinn took that to heart and gave it some serious thought. She'd have thought that the Library would already have screening processes in place for those people who came into the Library. It made her uncomfortable that they couldn't immediately identify potentail saboteurs. There was a lack of security measures here, but why? And so she spoke up.

"Why hasn't this just been a normal safety protocol to scan every single person who walks into the Library?"

Privacy. We're not here to police the people, Quinn. We don't control who borrows the books in any other form than to require that they return by a certain date or be fined. Or we will retrieve the books by force, as you have already performed. Bans are rarely levied, and then only in cases of repeat offenses.

The Library's knowledge is available to everyone, no matter their heritage, no matter their species, and no matter their intentions. To possibly withhold the magic from people who might have nefarious thoughts is a level of assumption, control, and gatekeeping that the Library is not supposed to exert. Thus, invading people's privacy by doing too detailed a scan is tantamount to exerting a type of control we aren't supposed to.

"That makes more sense than I thought it would,' Quinn muttered to herself, still not only confused but slightly concerned by the fact that they didn't police who got the knowledge and magic. She guessed that was the point of a universal library of knowledge.

Its only purpose was to distribute the knowledge, not to control how it was used.

Some part of her couldn't help the thought that maybe the Library was partially responsible for loads of destruction. But the Library didn't do the actions. It simply provided the knowledge, and the person or being who absorbed that knowledge would then use it incorrectly. She guessed it was the same as just learning chemistry at school. Not everybody went and made explosive devices.

Satisfied with the explanation, she did have another question."But shouldn't you, like, understand why I have this? Chaotic resistance, or whatever you're saying I have?"

The library laughed, again. Probably for the same reason that you have every single affinity currently available to be absorbed or learned. You're a little bit of an enigma, Quinn. You shouldn't exist.

"But I do," she said, trying her best not to pout at the Library's answer.

Yes, you do. I am not omnipresent. I'm not a god. I am simply a being who puts knowledge first.

Quinn didn't want to question that, because the Library was letting little tidbits flow out for her. She was going to figure out exactly what it was one of these days. And then she'd slam that card down the table and go, ha! But that was for later.

"Okay, I get it. You're just a library. The universe works in mysterious ways," she said, wiggling her fingers like she had jazz hands.

Precisely, the Library retorted, with a somewhat smug tone. Quinn decided now was as good a time as any to change the subject. She had a lot of food for thought, and a lot of chaos research to perform on her own.

"Okay, so I have a bit of a list," Quinn said. "Repair the filtration system, which involves getting the last book from Narilin, which I will go up and do in a minute. Have Hirish and Siliqua calibrate your system to find the corrupted and missing files. Double-check our book return status and see where we are power regeneration-wise." She tapped her chin for thought,

How about I help you by creating a list that will allow you to mark it off?

"You're going to give me like a quest again, aren't you?" Quinn asked suspicious now.

Yes, I am. I think that sounds like a fantastic idea, the Library said, smug again.

"Ugh, fine." And right before her eyes, the list popped up.

Repair the filtration system.

Calibrate and find the corrupted and missing files.

Book return status, including all of the branches.

New assistants required.

Replenish building and operational supplies.

Train in defensive applications.

Train in offensive applications.

Train in mind magic applications.

Quinn let out a deep sigh. "What's this? We need more assistants? We've only had the ones we have for a week."

And you've had a couple of thousand books returned. You need more assistance. There's too much to do in the Library to only have two people and an occasional supervisor running the desk. Now that people know that they can't borrow, the Library is getting a lot more internal traffic. Or at least it's starting to.

Quinn pondered that. "Good point. I'll go and talk to Misha."

Excellent. Is there anything further you require today, Quinn?

"You wouldn't be keeping anything else from me, would you?" Quinn asked, suddenly sure that the answer was going to be a lie anyway.

Not really, the Library said and then amended the phrase. Not intentionally right now. I will be able to tell you how much I'm keeping from you when I recover my own memories.

Quinn narrowed her eyes. "You're making light of that, aren't you?"

Yes. Just stick with Lynx. He has the same access to the same information. He will react to anything that jolts a memory the same way I would. Try to keep him close unless you need to leave the Library. I have several diagnostic things that I need to run.

"Diagnostic computer-like?" Quinn probed.

"'Seriously, not a machine.'"

"So like a brain diagnostic?" Quinn pushed even farther.

I'm not going to tell you yet. You'll probably figure it out before I do. I sort of hope you do.

Quinn was starting to hope so too.

"Alrighty then." She finished the last bite of her sandwich, packed up her food, leaned against the trunk, and patted it. "I like spending time with you. It's calm down here. I can think better, clearer.'" She wondered if the Library could smile. She felt like it was.

I appreciate your company as well, Quinn. Now shoo. I have diagnostics to run

Quinn trudged up the stairs. There was no other word for it. Her energy was sadly lacking. So much that she checked her energy levels.


Odd, and she didn't understand why, she hadn't used any of it...

So, she left that thought open and waited for the Library to answer it.

I may have borrowed some of your energy while you were sitting here. Since you were sitting down, you weren't exactly using it.

"Next time, tell me or ask. That's considered polite."

Understood. I'm unavailable for the next while now.

And suddenly there was a haze where she usually perceived the Library. It was disconcerting and uncomfortable now that she noticed the absence.

Quinn knew that the Library had been using her energy. It was just part and parcel of being the Librarian, but it still felt weird for it to suddenly be gone. She stopped and surveyed the Library, surprised at the underlying murmur of conversation that whispered through all of it.

She glanced over at the check-in desk and saw Jim and Bob - the aracnio brothers, as well as Eric behind it. They all seemed a little harried. Farther into the Library, she could see Geneva, Finn, and Danio, all bustling in between different library patrons of which there seemed to be dozens.

The first several seating areas, as far back as Quinn could see from where she stood at the stairs, were overrun with people. There were cups of tea, all sorts of beings flipping through books, heads bent over the same book, discussing things, pointing at portions of the texts.

It was amazing to see, and reminded Quinn of study sessions at the Library back at her university. Except it was all on a much grander scale with a plethora of different species that on her Earth would never even have been thought to exist.

She smiled. This was so much better than just pursuing library science as a major.

"What are you grinning about?" Malakai asked suddenly at her elbow.

She blinked at him. "Where did you come from?"

"I'm practicing my stealth," he said, waggling his eyebrows.

She raised her own in silent skepticism.

"No, seriously, Quinn, I am practicing my stealth. Gotta keep practicing or I'll lose the ability to sneak like a... ninja, I believe it is."

Quinn smiled. "Do you not have ninjas here?"

"Well, several different worlds have ninjas or an equivalent. Mine does not. But that is why we have a library, to research and discover new things." His grin echoed how she felt. Proud to be here in this vast depository of knowledge.

Even if it was a little run down, broken, and malfunctioning right now.

Misha, she thought in her head, and suddenly the golem was there. "We need more assistants and we need more golems, is that correct?"

Misha nodded. "I would suggest another half dozen assistants. At least," They paused, their moon like eyes rippling for a moment before they continued. "And we require two more shelving golems. Tim and Tom can technically keep up. Though we are golems, we do still have energy requirements. It is better to let us rest and recuperate what energy we have expended during the day. Our intake is reaching too high a capacity for Tim and Tom to keep up and not damage themselves."

Quinn gasped. "Damage themselves? Oh no. Definitely, let's make two more shelving golems. Do you need more storage golems?"

"I need another gatherer. We are falling behind in some of the regular maintenance."

"Do we have enough materials for a gatherer?"

"Once the shelving units are assembled, we will have enough for two gatherers, but that would leave us short to create any other type of golem." Misha sounded hesitant.

"Then make two. That gives us more potnetial to gather the building and operational supplies that we need." Quinn accessed her HUD to authorize it.

"Excellent. Thank you, librarian."

"Is that too much?" Quinn asked, suddenly uncertain of her decision.

Misha fixed her with a glare. "Do not second-guess yourself, librarian. I asked for one and two is better than one. More efficient in the long run."

"Okay then." She watched Misha nod once, and then walk toward Tim and Tom.

"Hmm." Words flashed across the screen.

Golem gatherer creation initiated.

Countdown timer: six hours and 51 minutes.

Shelving golem creation initiated.

Countdown: six hours and 23 minutes.

That's a lot longer than it was the first time we made them, she thought. Preserving power. I get it. Okay then. "Hey, Lynx." she turned to the manifestation who stood quietly on her left.

He raised an eyebrow. "Already ahead of you. Sent out another 'Library seeking assistants' alert."

"Excellent," Quinn said.

All of a sudden, Aradie swooped out toward her, landing firmly on her shoulder harness.

Quinn scritched the back of the birds neck as it preened into her touch. Glancing at Malakai and then at Lynx, she spoke. "I would love for you to accompany me to the book infirmary so I can finally read that book."

Quinn had a list to work on, and she was going to finish it as soon as possible.



I really think/hope I avoided a cliffhanger this time. This and the next chapter feel safe to me, but... I'm the author and I know what's going to happen sooooo I'm probably very biased.

hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Much love



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