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This chapter was actually a lot of fun to write.

Hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 60


Quinn was decidedly unimpressed with the discussion at the check-in desk. Instead of standing there, letting irritation build up, she decided to head to the book infirmary to see how Narilin's repair progress was going.

Aradie flew ahead of her, obviously excited for the visit. It was then that it struck Quinn; the reason for Aradie's excitement was that all of the other night owls were there.

As she walked through the arched doors, Quinn stopped and looked at them. The doors were beautiful, carved from wood similar to the koa wood of a guitar she'd had as a child. The timber was stunning, but she didn't recall the doors looking like this the last time she'd been here. She blinked again, but the doors remained the same. Intricate carvings adorned the surfaces, even though they were open and pushed back. There were images of books being sewn, being written, flying to shelves, magically appearing. It was quite fascinating.

"What brings you here, librarian?" Narilin spoke in her beautiful soft tone.

"I wanted to see how the repairs on 'Mastering Your Reality Through Chaos', were progressing," Quinn replied.

Narilin's eyes narrowed almost imperceptibly. She took a deep breath, the leaves that were her hair shook ever so gently. Just for a moment, Quinn got the feeling that the book doctor was quite upset with her.

"The book is getting better," Narilin said, each word softly punctuated as if carefully chosen.

Quinn nodded slowly and approached the massive bench that held all of the items required to create and service the books. She pushed some brightness into her tone, trying to alleviate the tension. "Well, that's great then."

"You realize it has not even been half a day since it fell apart?" Narilin asked, in a way that was much more direct than her usual way of speaking.

Quinn nodded. "Yes, I just wanted to take a look."

Narilin let out a long sigh. She seemed extremely put out by the visit, which made Quinn's senses tingle. Why on earth would the book doctor be upset that the librarian, who had the run of the Library, had come to visit her? Quinn filed that away to think on later, as this behavior was decidedly odd.

It certainly hadn't been present the first time Quinn came to the infirmary.

"Anyway," Quinn said, noticing Aradie sitting up on the perch where she had been when Quinn originally visited the room. There were several other nightowls on that branch. Quinn narrowed her eyes as she watched them. They greeted Aradie and seemed genuinely happy that she was there. Quinn made a mental note to remind her bird to visit her friends more often.

Birds of a feather and all that.

"As you can see, the reparation of the book is in progress," Narilin said, opening her hands and their long delicate fingers wide as she gestured in front of her. "Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Quinn decided that she didn't like Narilin's tone of voice. It reminded her of the tone her sometimes foster siblings had used. It was one thing to try not to make waves, and keep her head down because she needed as stable an environment as possible. But here, Quinn was in charge. And Narilin's new attitude was sending all sorts of alarm signals through Quinn's mind.

"Well, I think I'll have a look around anyway," Quinn said, dragging her finger along the edge of the desk and lifting it up as if she was checking for dust. She could practically feel Narilin glaring daggers at her, which spurred her on even more. This was the first time she'd experienced any sort of hostility.

Although, that wasn't precisely accurate. Narilin. had been very obviously upset about the damaged book. Perhaps this was a remnant of that.

Quinn reached out to touch one of the pieces, glad to see that the pages themselves weren't what was damaged. That was at least a saving grace. With her other hand, she touched the binding Narilin was painstakingly working on. Words popped up in front of her face:

Book restoration: level one

Quinn blinked at the words. What was that? she thought at the Library.

Book restoration: level one.

Thanking whatever fortuitous event led to her being able to think faster, Quinn double checked that she'd read what she thought she'd read. Are you telling me I can put the books back together?"

What sort of a librarian of a magical library would you be if you couldn't put the books together? the Library retorted.

If the Library Core had been in front of her, she would have glared at it. She wanted to ask it why it hadn't thought to tell her that before. But she didn't. Instead, she nudged the prompt a little to expand on what it meant.

Book restoration: level one.
Abilities: Magically bind books together. The binding at this level is limited specifically to beginner books. Must use a cotton thread. Next levels include silk thread and higher level tomes.

Quinn clucked her tongue in exasperation. That meant she couldn't repair this book. Yet. But there were other books she could repair, and there were definitely other books she could make copies of and create.

What else can I do? she asked the Library.

It's about time you asked, it sounded smug. But perhaps that is something for a more private setting,

Quinn realized the Library was right, especially since Narilin's current mood appeared to be contentious at best. Quinn looked around again. "I would like to assist you in repairing some of these books."

Narilin raised an eyebrow and appeared slightly surprised. Quinn wasn't entirely certain how she knew that the Salosier had raised her eyebrow, but she was aware of it. The tree-like face often held more expression than Quinn had ever thought possible. This one was filled with disdain.

"Well, I am not entirely certain, Librarian, that you will be able to sew a book together. I have magic for that." Yep. Right there. Voice dripping with condescension.

If one book falling apart outside of her control did this, Quinn didn't want any more damaged books coming in under her watch.

"I can do it," Quinn said, her voice came out flatter than she wanted, even though was trying to keep up the illusion of not being completely and utterly exasperated with the Salosier.

This time, Narilin looked slightly taken aback.

"It's a librarian ability?" Quinn clarified, trying her best to keep her temper under control. Those mental exercises were helping, because the normal Quinn would have lost it and walked out a long time ago.

"Then I will have Carty bring you a selection of beginner tomes that require a magical touch," Narilin said. Quinn really hoped that was a hint of relief in the book doctor's tone.

"Come on, Aradie," Quinn called, as she nodded once in farewell at Narilin.

They headed out toward her office. Quinn couldn't help thinking that would be the best place to sit down and go through all of these librarian skills. Quinn had been under the impression that her skills were all obtained through books, not just because she had connected to the Library and become a librarian. It felt very late in the game, over two weeks into her stay here, to be learning that she could simply access librarian abilities because that's who she was.

It seems the chip we gave you to consume also didn't take. The beginning abilities should have been automatically flagged for you with it.

Do you have any idea why the transfer didn't take? Or that the chip didn't work? Quinn was starting to feel desperate. Missing that information, and Lynx and the Library glitching was making what would usually have been a smooth transfer, much more nightmare-like.

After a decently long pause she got her response. No. It's part of what we're looking into.

That did little to assuage Quinn's worry.

She was so deep in thought that she almost tripped over Dottie on her way to her office. "I am so sorry, Dottie," Quinn said as her shin collided with the bench's sharp corner, even as she turned away to avoid tripping the Librarian completely.

"It's quite all right," Dottie said, even though there was a shrill part to her voice that told Quinn it was anything but all right or okay.

"I'm really sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." Quinn mumbled.

"That is painfully obvious." Dottie let out a small sigh before she continued talking. "Anyway, I would like to accompany you and assist you in anything you might need assistance with."

"Have you finished your supervisory shift?" Quinn asked, stopping briefly outside of her office and looking down at her little bench friend.

"Yes, I have. Malakai has currently taken over the supervisory position at the check-in desk and I find myself at odds with what to do now."

"Great. Can you go get Cook to make me a snack and come join me in my office?" It felt like Dottie flashed her a withering look, but she trotted off toward the dining hall.

Anyway, Quinn pushed through her office door while Aradie flew to the back of her office chair to perch there instead of Quinn's shoulder. She'd almost gotten used to having the bird's weight on her shoulder, it was noticeable when Aradie was gone.

Still, Quinn nestled herself into the seat and was surprised a couple of seconds later by Carty entering the room with about 30 books on it. She looked at them and frowned. They were indeed tattered and they were all beginner books.

Perfect for what she wanted.

"Should be a good start. Maybe it would even push me through to level two." She muttered to herself.

There was a snicker that resounded in her ears and Quinn looked around, trying to figure out where it came from. That's when she realized it was an internal snicker from the Library.

"What is so amusing?" she asked.

It's not like a game. You won't get experience points. It's more of a: the better you get at something, you qualify to gain higher-level skills. Thus you level up.

"Okay," Quinn said. "That tracks. Awesome."

Just as Quinn was about to begin repairing the books, Dottie trotted back in with what looked like a grilled ham and cheese sandwich and a glass of something that resembled milk but smelled like cinnamon. Quinn could get behind both of those culinary choices.

"Well, no time like the present," she said, doubled checking for the small smooth stone that helped her and the Core's connectivity. "I might mutter to myself a. bit, Dottie. I need to communicate with the core and figure out a few librarian things. Is that okay?"

"Perfectly okay. I will be here in case you need me and to keep you company."

"Thanks, Dottie." Quinn said, giving the bench a fond pet.

There was a hesitance before Dottie replied. "You are very welcome. Despite our initial encounter, I am glad that you are here."

"Me too," Quinn said, and turned her focus inward.

Quinn positioned herself comfortably, munching on the toasted ham and cheese sandwich. "Okay, show me some of my skills."

Narrow parameters, please, the Library requested.

"Show me my book restoration skills."

Book restoration: level one includes: page creation, prose copying, duplication, cleansing, thread levels, and leather softening.

That's a lot of skills. Do all of those skills have to be utilized to level up book restoration? Quinn munched away, her mind racing. It was easier to think faster if she didn't take the time to say the words out loud.

Accumulation of skills in this area will raise your overall book restoration level.

Good to know. Can you show me a list of other skills? she prodded the library further.

Golem creation: level two.

Book creation: level one.

Book returns: level two.

Book finds - return finds: level one.

Quinn mulled those over. Okay, so I have access to the golem creator, and I know that, and I've created multiple ones. I don't need that expanded. Expand on book creation.

Bookworm spawning,

Silverfish formation,

Night owl design,

Quill designation,

Book creation.

So I actually create books? That's fantastic. Book creation definition, please, Quinn asked.

Book creation is what is required to create new books on specific affinities and/or create books that are required to form a new affinity.

There was just so much to cover. "Okay, what about returns?"

Book returns

Book recall

Bulk returns

Bulk recall.

Your bulk recall is now at level two. We do not advise you to use this skill on a frequent basis.

Quinn had to suppress a laugh at that one. She began on the second half of her sandwich and asked for the Library to show her the fines.

Fines: level one,

Minor fine

Standard fine

Moral fines

Punishing fines

Major fines

Intermittent fines

Bannable fines

Excessive fines.

Quinn couldn't help the grin that spread from ear to ear. She was really going to enjoy this whole fining process after the study days were up, when she could finally leverage them.

"So these are all my abilities as a librarian?"

There is more. There are specialized areas. Species history is accessible with more research and more power than we currently have available. The Library is still critical.

"Okay, can you show me a listing of everything so I can make sure I don't have other questions?" Quinn popped the last bite in her mouth and took a swig of the cinnamon milk stuff. It was divine.

the Library brought up everything she had just asked plus a couple of things at the end. Research, power levels. the Library was still in critical power. Quinn didn't like it but at least it was halfway through now. They'd get there. They had to get there.

But then there was something else. It was fainter as if she couldn't access it. What's that?

What's what? the Library responded.

The greyed-out piece down there.

What greyed out piece down where?

Down at the very bottom, there's research. Power information. Then there's the greyed-out bit. Quinn squinted. Does that say 'Classified Research'? Why is it locked?

If the Library had been personified at that point in time, it would have blinked at her. Error. Cannot access

"Unlock the Classified Research File," Quinn said out loud. Nothing happened. How can it be locked from us? Is it really locked from you or are you just trying to have a human sense of humor?

There was a pause and the Library finally spoke. No. I can't access that. That information is currently beyond my reach.


Yeeeeeep - never know until you ask. 

Poor Quinn - that damned information transfer failing really made a lot of stuff more difficult.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season

Much love



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