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Counting... I swear numbers are my strength.

Anyhu! You're not here for math, right? I mean... right?

This week's writing has gone mostly smooth. Sometimes, I'll be dictating and rush through stuff, which is why it's important for me to edit over what I've dictated. It's fairly involved editing process but I can always see the story getting better.

Trust me. You don't want raw dictation... 

Sometimes it makes 1 chapter turn into 2.

See, told you - math, right?

Anyhu! My roughs are getting up there so I don't feel panicked every day. We have some medical conditions in my family and thus being able to keep up with writing even if we're having an off day means the world.

In a couple of hours the tiers in here should have access to the following chapters: 39, 43, and 48.

I will be posting through the week until Friday. This is the last week (I think? Probably...) I'll be posting more than my 4 weekly chapters (on this semi-regular basis anyway). I may change the days to Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri. Or something like that. But It'll be back to 4 chapters a week so I don't burn out, and so the goodie keeps coming. 

That's the goal, right?

I say right? a lot.

I've been contemplating a vanity tier for those people who might want to name a book to be retrieved or learned... It's food for thought. Any opinions?

Anyhu! Let me know if you have any questions.

Hope you have a wonderful week.

Much love



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