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The last few years have been a whirlwind of unpredictability for me. Frankly, I think it's been like that for most of us. But there are always goals, and always new opportunities presenting themselves.

Patreon has been doing a lot of cool stuff lately. Revamping itself. Changing with the times.

This is something I need to do as well.

Thus, going forward, I'll be revamping my patreon completely using some of these tools.

I will retain all the patreon tiers as they are. These will be moved to legacy tiers in the next two weeks or so and anyone who is on those tiers will remain there until they no longer wish to. I will be adding a few new tiers as well. 

My back catalogue will be sorted into a past collection, and I hope to streamline things going forward.

My Library story is getting back in full swing and I can't wait to keep sharing chapters of that with you all. The currently plan, once everything is in place, is to post 4 chapters of Library here per week. Keep in mind, these will all be in draft format. None of this will be polished, completely finished work. And I'd also love feedback if possible.

There are several other works in progress that will be updated as time permits too.

And I'll do my best to post progress and other updates regularly too.

I know, it's like - what magic wand did I wave to suddenly become consistent? Well, it's called: I have stories to tell, and I want to tell them. This is the best way to share them.

Thank you to everyone who has been with me from the start. To those of you who've supported me regardless of my output and through all my months of pausing. 

I hope you enjoy my future worlds as much as I look forward to creating them.

I leave you with a well aged meme.

Thank you again.

Much love, 



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