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Hi there you wonderful people

I wanted to talk to you today about Patreon. I've had a pretty rough last few months - at least insofar as creation goes. It's why I've been pausing so much.

Which brings me to an apology: I meant to pause October, but had Covid and totally spaced.

This Patreon will be paused until January 2023.

I will be revamping how I approach Patreon and what sort of content I can and will offer. The tiers will remain similar to how they are now. 

I have been given an opportunity to write exclusively for a new serial fiction platform. While I will also be writing my own work for publication, this limits what I can put in Patreon due to contractual obligations.

Hence the need to revamp and adjust what I offer to still make it fun for everyone. I will be posting updates despite being paused.

I would love to hear suggestions - things people might like to read or see?

I do want to thank each and every one of you who has been such a steadfast supporter. It means the world to me.

Without further ado - I leave you with memes.


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