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System Apocalypse Australia
   Co-written with Tao Wong
       Progress and Tentative Releases

       Book 1 Complete
       Book 2 In Progress
       Book 3 To Start end Feb 2022

       Book 3 May

       Book 1 - 11/01/2021
       Book 2 - 02/01/2022
       Book 3 - Tentative 06/01 2022

Just by K.T. Hanna

Last Chance - Book 3
       Outlining - In Progress
       Drafting 2022
       Projected Release: End 2022/Beg 2023

Alchemical Imbalance
       World Building - Done
       Outlining - In Progress
       Drafting - Beginning End Feb/Beg March 2022
       Tentative Projected Release: August 2022

I have several other projects floating around in my brain, but for now these are the main ones on my list. 

Other Works in Progress that are on the backburner are posted below and will be updated as they progress.

White Moon 12 - pure scifi which may end up with gamelit elements

TW - Dark Urban Fantasy



No writing off the seat of your pants?

K.T. Hanna (Arithion)

Well it took a long time for me to tie up all the loose plot thread in Somnia writing as a pantser - so no more complete pantsing for me haha