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Hey there amazing people.

So here I am, again. I know right? This is becoming a thing.

Vella will officially launch next week. Fodder will go live then. Or at least, the first 5 episodes will. After that I'll be posting up 2 episodes per week and see how it is received.

I'll also be posting those episodes here. So you won't have to go to Vella to read it, obviously, since you're already here :D It's what I would call urban scifi.

I'm actually really excited to get this story out there. I absolutely love it. Dane's thought processes are close to the constant inner monologue I have going. Close, not quite, but yeah.

So here is the blurb for Fodder:

Dane died when she was eight. Now, she hides from the very monsters who stole her life, frustrated at her inability to fight back.
Until she meets Ravel. Newly off life-support, Ravel isn't as eager to give up as Dane's other companions. He is determined to fight to get his life back, and save the girl of his dreams.
If Dane can access her buried memories of her nightmarish escape, together they may be able to thwart the puppet masters once and for all. If the monsters don't catch them first.

You might notice I have a thing with death. Lots of death in all the books. Yeah. Realizing that myself now haha.

Anyhu - cannot wait to share my world with you.



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