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Do you see that? March flipping 13th...

I don't even know how that happened. The last few weeks have passed in a blur for me. Kiddo has the State Gymnastics Championships coming up in two weeks and is about to have Spring Break. Not that it matters since she is online schooling.

I don't even know why I haven't posted. I've been working through some SA bits and bobs so that I can make correct edits and make sure that my books mesh with the lore set out by the others. Some of it can be hard and I have to admit that co-writing is much more difficult than I first anticipated. 

It's not that my co-writer is difficult. The opposite, Tao is fantastic to work with. However, adjusting my brain to working on a world I didn't create is really freaking difficult. On the bright side, it's chugging along and it should still hit an end of May release date, so that's really what counts, right?

How have you all been?


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