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As you all probably know, I'm very high risk when it comes to Covid-19. My lungs already don't work properly (alpha 1 anti-trypsin deficiency is so much fun). So we chose to homeschool the kiddo (we have an online ecademy just down the road that has been up and running for over a decade. They have everything sorted and running smoothly, so that is definitely a boon).

However, being a parental overseer is exhausting, and time taxing. Now, where I had the entire day to work (9-3:30 anyway), I only get a 2-3 hour window when she's at homeschool gymnastics a few days a week. 

So I've had to sort of put my foot down and say hey: I need you all to be okay with me waking up at 4am to work from 5-7.

Today is the first day of that routine. If I don't do something to buy me an extra 10-12 hours a week, I won't get any of my work done.

That being said. I realize I've been sporadic in posting. There are a couple of reasons. 

I suck at remembering to schedule stuff. By the time I remember, I'm in bed, or in the car. And then of course, I've forgotten by the time I get to an actual device capable of posting for me. 

The other reason is that SO7 went through major overhauls in the third round of edits, effectively changing oh... half of the words lol. So what I began posting isn't quite what you would have seen.

Last Chance 2 however... well that's just me being me. I will upload a pdf locked to patrons who should have been able to read it in the next couple of days (Actually, I'll schedule it right after I post this. See, this morning thing is working for me already).

Now for some fun stuff. 

Book releases. I have two coming up this year.

October 22nd - Rebel: Last Chance Book 2

November 12th - Synergy: Somnia Online Final Book (7)

And soon, I will start drafting System Apocalypse Australia - with Tao Wong. Hopefully releasing sometime in the new year. YAY right? I'm very yay about it lol.

Anyway, I'm all out of excuses. Thank you for sticking with me so far. 2020 has been a rough ride for us all. I'm glad we're still here.

Much love.



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