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So, March went pretty dark. And I can only apologize for that. See, we decided to sell our house. So we went into fanatic cleaning and sorting mode, and put it on the market last Friday.

Well. We've now sold our house. It's been a whirlwind few weeks, and I've barely had time to breathe. But now I can relax a little.

Onto writing news: 

Darling will release on April 12th. I need to caution people that it is not my usual type of book. It's dark, and some of the subject matter is heavy. It's a definite labor of: it wouldn't leave my brain alone. I will be sending out the ebook to the qualifying tiers.

Second Chance #1 is still on track to release around mid-end of May sometime. I'm going to start posting the chapters up again from where I left off before my life imploded. That's a tier 2 and above thing right there. 

That's where I am right now. Thank you all for sticking with me. 

And remember. If you love a book, leave a review. For me, for any author you enjoy.



I'm so excited for you and yours!

Fred Lloyd

I am currently listening to the third book and I am thoroughly enjoying your creation. I only have one question about something I don’t understand. Why is (mellow?) referenced as they and their while everyone else is called she, he, him and her? At first I thought it might have been a typo but now I can’t not hear the difference every single time it happens.