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The thing about writing is, the ideas never stop. I probably have about 30 odd ideas scribbled out, lying around. Some of these are in my scrawly handwriting, others are partially started Scrivener files, hoping that one day I'll finish them.

Darling is an idea I had, one of the ones I followed through. It's not what I usually write, but nothing I write has a usual - so I guess it's mine to just write what I think.

Darling is a dark fairy tale retelling. I can't wait to share it with the world, even if it's not what most people would expect.

Here's a glimpse of the first chapter:




Even as David and I slip from the shadows of the causeway, I know Neverland will bring him the peace he deserves. 

"Wendy?" His voice is mouselike, as is his nose. It twitches when he's excited, like now. 

"Yes?" I smile for his benefit as I scan the streets. On the corner of WhiteHorse and Matlock the guard are changing, which is good, because they'll be less inclined to notice us. Another street later, two lamplighters wait for the dusk's approach and I hear Big Ben's chimes faintly in the distance. It's later than I anticipated, and far later than I intended. Mother will not be pleased.

"Is it really real?"

David's soft voice pulls me back. He reminds me of my brothers, both waiting for me at home, because they have a home to wait in. His small face is pale, and his beady eyes shine with an eagerness I understand all too well. I'd stop for a moment if time weren't of the essence. Instead, I squeeze his tiny fingers with what I hope is reassurance and smile down at him. "It's real, David. In Neverland, you'll never have to grow up."


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