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Hi everyone

I have been sick since the first week of November. This December it got so bad I had to have my lung function tested, CT scans, blood tests, biopsies, ER visits, blown veins, all the fun etc...

Let’s just say the end of 2018 has completely kicked my arse. It saw me and said: hi there, let’s see how much shit we can throw at her.

Book four is drafted but not edited and while I’m still hoping for a late February release, I’m not promising anything. My health is only just getting better and the steroids are actually helping my stupid lungs.

I’m hoping the next month/new year will allow my health to steadily progress well and for me to keep up my drafting and release pace

I would like to apologize for being mostly absent from my Patreon during this month and the holiday season. I’m ready to hit the ground running I January and cannot wait to show you what I have planned for 2019.

Thank you all for your support. It means more than you could possibly know 💜





If you aren't well, you can't give your full attention to writing/editing. Get better soon!


Get better, don’t stress yourself out by trying to meet deadlines. Get better, we all are rooting for you. 😊