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Hi there everyone!

I'm still fiddling with my Patreon to make sure I'm giving my patrons something special. Thing is, I'm not entirely sure how to do this. 

I added a couple of special tiers, and I keep tossing up putting rough draft chapters up here. I have them ready to go, but if I put them up and you don't want to read them, that's perfectly okay. 

It's another way for me to get feedback, and I'll put them up here ahead of Royal Road. I was going to do this a couple of weeks ago, but time got away from me. Anyhu! I'm going to post up the first five chapters for everyone.

Keep in mind this is a Work In Progress. It hasn't even gone through its developmental edit yet, nor has it had beta reader feedback.

I'm excited to share book 3 with everyone!

Keep an eye out for chapters!


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