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I wanted to touch base and let everyone know that Somnia Online is chugging along. Behold my VERY UGLY sketch of a map that I used so I didn't get lost while drafting Initializing.

Book One is with my beta readers and developmental editor, and I'll be starting work on that sometime next week.

Right now I'm drafting Book Two! 

My narrator is locked and loaded and ready to dive in mid-May to begin recording book 1! I just sent off my horrific excuse for a sketch of my world to my map artist, and should have that to show everyone in a couple of weeks (I can't wait to see it not look like a bunch of scribbles). My mood and inspiration board for my cover is done and ready to go when my artist is...

Book One is looking to publish approximately on May 2nd. A couple more things to nail down first, but right now, it's looking good. The audio book will be available mid-end of June.

Right now I have four tentative titles in this series:

  • Initializing (May 2018) 
  • Reboot (Begin of September 2018) 
  • Cascade (Very end of November/Start December 2018) 
  • Offline (Probably May 2019)

But as I've somehow managed to introduce even more plot lines... we'll see how that goes. These are very loose dates, apart from Initializing. I'm also aiming to put out audio with all of these... I hope.

I can't wait to show you the map, and then the awesomeness that is my cover as my artist works on it. It's getting so close I can taste it now. 

Thank you all so much for coming along for the ride!

Oh - and as soon as I get those edits back... I'm sure I'll have some embarrassing edit notes to share ;) 
