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Weeeee this was a fun chapter to write. Summer is hitting us hard here - always so much busier than the school year.

This chapter is mostly a cliffy I think? Although I have a pretty good idea what's coming next hahaha



Chapter 156

Second Tree on the Left

With one last glance behind her, Quinn decided that leaving Eugea where she was right now was probably the best solution. She didn't like the sensations roiling through her gut as they exited the house where the sick Esposians were sheltered. It no longer felt like a safe haven for them, but somewhere they were being watched.

The group made their way farther through the town inching closer to the majestic palace steps.

"Are we safe to talk out here?" Quinn asked, her voice low in the bustle around them.

In a low voice probably, or else you could use mind-to-mind speech like you have been, Nishpa said, commenting mentally on the surface of Quinn's mind. The aunt didn't make direct eye contact as she constantly scanned the surroundings.

Quinn could barely hear it mentally, and adjusted her shielding to include her current companions, should they want to speak. Nishpa, Lynx, Malakai, and Aradie became their own pieces of light static in her mind.

You do have some strong shielding there, Nishpa said. Milaro has taught you well.

Thanks. Quinn liked this, being able to speak mind-to-mind as they meandered through a city she realized was full of eyes. The children were not playing, were not loud, and were definitely not behaving quite like children. She'd originally thought them to be kids but, well, the Esposians were of the same diminutive stature as Geneva and her ilk. Thus, to be honest, her companions weren't exactly much taller than the ones she had assumed were children. Is everybody watching us here?

Pretty much. It's only due to our interspecies familial bonds that extend back eons that we were even allowed to accompany the Esposians Geneva rescued here. Anger underpinned Nishpa's words.

 Why couldn't you just take them home?

Nishpa hesitated, but Quinn realized it had nothing to do with her answer to Quinn and instead was more in line with watching the people around them, inclining her head by way of greeting so as not to openly offend anybody. She was highly observant and alert. Esposians require detailed and specific care in order to recover from all types of illnesses. They're immune-compromised when it comes to other atmospheres, including, sadly, our own.

Oh wow, seriously? Quinn hadn't expected that answer, but she could imagine it. She'd already had to take magical food to adapt her to multiple areas: oxygen densities and chaos magic levels. It stood to reason a whole species might get sick because of such an adjustment too.

It's difficult to explain and probably part of the problem involved with the tree and the book and the infection that spread through all of them and took control of them. There are many species that would fall as well. But in this case, the Esposians were an extremely easy target. While they're wary of other magic as a whole, any chance to bring them back into a normal scope would be something they'd jump at. Easy bait. Nishpa sounded saddened.

Quinn hated the implications. And did they know? Do you think that whoever left the book there or planted the book there or do you think they knew?

Oh, definitely, Malakai piped in. I don't think you understand how deliberate it would have to be, to ascertain the results we witnessed. Whoever did this is a cruel being. Although, we've established this since they were likely behind the attempt to destroy the Library.

Quinn thought it all over for a few seconds. Images she'd gleaned from her patients' mind in the instant of healing popped into her head. I saw inside Eugeo's mind. Whoever did that, they were beyond cruel. The sort of suffering that was caused deserves pain, repayment... revenge on such a level that even I balk at it. But I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

Now we've settled on their attacker being cruel...even though we already knew whoever targeted them was cruel, Malakai said then he paused slightly before continuing, I mean, if you'd seen the tree, you would have known... 

Mal, get to the point, Quinn said, almost tripping over a piece of ground that jutted out just below her foot. She frowned and focused harder on the area. She took a sharp intake of breath. Is this, is there an illusion placed over this area or something?

Nishpa sighed mentally. Yes and no. It is minor cosmetic adjustments to make the city seem more majestic than it actually is.

Quinn raised an eyebrow, despite the fact that they were talking mind-to-mind. They had just hit the bottom steps leading up into the palace. There had to be at least 150 of them. But her vision played tricks on her. What had once appeared like perfect white marble, now seemed overlayed with a rough and partially broken in places concrete type substance. With her mind aware of the illusion, it had to fight hard to trick her. So they're trying to keep up appearances for the Librarian?

Not just you. Milaro's grandson is here. I mean, his grandfather is the king. He governs an entire sector. A powerful sector. Most planet rulers want to impress him, not to mention Lynx has accompanied you. So not only do we have the Librarian, the manifestation of the Library, but also Malakai is here. They need to make it seem as if everything is perfect. Nishpa's disapproval of their actions was evident in every syllable she spoke.

Quinn knew as soon as she set foot on that first step, on that massive staircase up to the entrance to the palace, that everything was not okay here. A sensation of malevolence tried to force itself inside her skin. It left her feeling slimy but it backed off almost immediately, perhaps realizing that she'd noticed it. If she hadn't been paying attention, she might have thought she just got a wave of nausea or something equally as nasty. But this? No. There was something more than just keeping up appearances and trying to stay on the good side of the Library at work here. There was much more to this.

Quinn, were you going to say something? Malakai asked cautiously.

I just... there's... there's more than just appearances here. There's something inherently wrong. I think we need to get Eugea out. I need to figure out exactly what I did. Apprehension was making Quinn tense and worried. She knew she couldn't leave quite yet, not if she didn't want to offend these rulers.

Didn't the Library tell you to report? Didn't the system tell you to report to the Library? Lynx interjected.

Well, yes, it did.

Excellent. As soon as we get back, you'll be able to unpack precisely what it was you did, and hopefully you'll be able to heal the other five. Lynx's tone held a soothing note.

You think? She asked, as she affixed a fake smile to her face for outward appearances.

Well, I assume. I hope. I don't know, though. I can't go on what's always happened before anymore.

None of us really know, do we? Quinn said, an odd note of melancholy washing over her.

As they marched up the steps, there was a landing about halfway, where a whole troop of guards waited for them. Well, there were at least half a dozen of them. Quinn glanced from side to side, and Nishpa shrugged almost imperceptibly.

Is this a normal escort? Quinn asked.

Within reason. There are several of us here.

Quinn nodded. I suppose. 

Nishpa also plastered a smile on her face, even as she thought at them. Still, be alert, be on lookout, and don't let any of them know that we sort of know that they're watching us.

So, do you think they already know? Quinn asked, trying to keep the laugh she could feel bubbling up at bay

Yeah, I think they definitely know.

Someone's already told them that we healed one of the afflicted? Quinn schooled her face to appear as passively as she could.

Oh definitely.

Not exactly what I wanted to hear, Quinn said.

You don't know me well, but I know Milaro very well. Nishpa said kindly. He's prepared you for a lot of things, just not everything yet.

Quinn sighed. 

Prime Minister Adrito and his partner Latia are, well, they're not going to be what you expect. You need to be wary. I cannot read them. They are distantly related cousins. They go back so many thousands of years that we may as well not be related at all. 

Aren't you different species? Quinn asked, even though she knew they were intrinsically similar.

Yes, but we are fae and we are also capable of interspecies copulation, which is fairly standard when you are closely related as a subspecies.

I'm going to pretend I understand what you mean by that, Quinn said, trying to lighten her mood as she climbed probably the hundred and twentieth step. The guards had wordlessly fallen into step with them, two in front of them, two on either side of them and two in the rear, were really starting to make her feel anxious. She didn't feel safe in the least. These guards, are they supposed to protect us?

Well, they're supposed to... Malakai said. I'd assume that's what they're there for, but in reality... 

Yeah, Quinn said.

I think they're trying to protect others from us, Lynx said. I don't believe they'll be grateful for your healing of Eugea at all.

Gee, what gave that away? Quinn asked, her exasperation shining through. 

You could be nicer about it. Lynx grumbled.

I could be, but I'm stressed and I don't feel safe.

Well, I believe that makes all of us, Lynx said. They'll be putting on a lot of pomp. They'll be presenting and trying to live up to all appearances, Quinn. They'll also be trying to maintain a sense of dignity and, well, majesty. They are the equivalent to a king and queen. They're simply called the Prime Minister and his wife. You are here in an official capacity as the Librarian, so that does buy you some leeway. Act like the healing, if they bring it up, is nothing worth mentioning, as if it's just something you could do any time of any day and explaining it isn't worth your time.

Quinn frowned. I mean, sure, I can do that, I guess.

You're going to have to, because if you don't, we might be in a little bit of trouble. Lynx paused. Even me

Well, when you put it like that...

They made their way to the top of the massive staircase and approached the huge entrance doors. Quinn wasn't entirely sure what she should be expecting when they opened but she really wished her instincts would stop just taking over like they had when she healed Eugea, or when she fought the Miasma drones, or marginally controlled the Serpensiril situation. She needed to pause, slow down, and understand what she was doing and how she was doing it. Not to mention that she wanted to be able to repeat the actions. Even though she knew that at some level she was subconsciously, fully, and utterly aware of what she was doing. It still didn't make it better. It made it more complex and difficult to recreate.

The guards at the front of them, in their finery, pushed the doors open, walking with them as they opened inwardly. They stood at attention once the doors were fully open and watched as the entire group marched by, still flanked and followed by the remaining four guards. It was indeed a massive entrance, probably about a hundred feet long, with a huge red carpet rolled out in front of them going back into the receiving hall. 

Although, if Quinn really paid attention to it, to the way her feet fell on the carpet, it looked finer than it felt, not nearly as plush as the image would have her believe. But these illusions, they were magnificent, convincing, almost impossible for her to see through. If she hadn't tripped back then, she wouldn't have noticed at all. She frowned, but wiped the expression off her face as fast as she could.

That's just right, Nishpa said. Keep your poise. Be friendly, but not a friend. Don't be too aloof, but be confident. You need to convince these people that you are as powerful as they fear.

Quinn took in a very slow, subtle, deep breath. She could do this. She'd acted in the occasional school drama production as a convincing second tree on the left. This was just like that. Sort of. 

Still, she looked at the two figures sitting on the thrones in front of her. They inclined their heads ever so slightly by way of greeting. Which Quinn was fairly sure was an insult considering the depth of the gesture and the fact that they remained seated. 

She was three long steps down from them. Two could play at that game. She inclined her head just a fraction and introduced herself.

"Well met. I am the Librarian. Thank you for seeing us."

The first person who spoke was a very pale shade of green and not the pretty shade that Eugea had been. It was more a khaki green but with a sickly green tinge. Their hair had the same tint at the very ends, as if the white had been bleached and discolored in chlorine. He inclined his head in return, slightly deeper this time. 

"Well met. I am Adrito, Prime Minister of the Esposian people." He spoke very formally, but his eyes, his eyes were dead. They held nothing. There was no passion, fire, or any type of emotion in them. Quinn didn't understand how to respond, but she offered a smile.

The person next to him, Latia, Quinn presumed, also inclined their head. They were a sickly yellow that looked almost like bile. The hue just did nothing for the already ghostly complexion of the Esposians. "I am Counsellor Latia, First Spouse to Adrito."

"Now, we have a question," Adrito said, and he smiled, but not even that expression reached his eyes. Quinn felt the malice try to seep into her bones again, and she instinctively knew to extend her shielding to her companions this time. None of them needed to be infected by whatever this was. She did it in the blink of an eye, covering them in another layer of protection, because she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, even though she didn't know how she knew, that they were about to be attacked. It didn't even matter if the answer she gave to the question was wrong.

Adrito continued as if something hadn't just tried to take over his guests. "Thank you for agreeing to see us, and for this visit. But we must know, how did you manage to cure Eugea?"

Quinn smiled, and chose to play it off in a self deprecating manner. "It was just a mere healing spell. Nothing more, nothing less."

Adrito tsked under his breath. "Ah, Librarian, I wish you hadn't said that. It would have made everything so much easier."


Hope you enjoyed this one! I loved writing it. Can't wait for the next ones.

Much love



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