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Hi everyone

I am so sorry for the delay on this. I returned from a Convention on Sunday only to get hit with influenza A on Monday. Was bedridden for the last few days and finally have enough free brain space to write. Will be posting Friday and Saturday chapters to catch up.

Chapter is not a cliff

Hope you enjoy


Chapter 132

Slotting into Place

Lynx blinked at Carafax before letting out a long suffering sigh. "To be honest? We really don't have much time for anything in depth." He sounded somewhat dejected by his own answer.

Carafax simply nodded in that sagely way that spoke of age and wisdom. Frankly there wasn't a secret Quinn wouldn't feel comfortable sharing with the slothilus. She found him fascinating.

"Then, shall we take a truncated approach to things?" he asked, the smile never leaving his face.

"What do you know about Korradine?" Quinn asked, prefering to be direct and stop the somewhat overly eloquent Library guest from becoming sidetracked.

"Excellent," he said, his merry eyes twinkling as he focused on Quinn. He paused, and glanced very slowly down at a bag next to the large desk he occupied, before picking up without any urgency whatsoever. 

Or perhaps this was him moving with urgency. Quinn was so fascinated by his movements that she really didn't care. The spines on his back rippled with music, like a faint xylephone. It was a beautiful sound.

He pulled out a thick journal and splayed it open on the desk. Its thick pages held scrawling hand-writing flowing from edge to edge. A small chuckle escaped him, almost like a loud rumbling purr. 

The thing was, she knew it wasn't mind magic effects like both Narilin and Malakai could utilize, because her mental defenses didn't sound off any alarms. But she did realize there was something magically fascinating about Carafax.

"Ah yes." He said, jabbing a finger on a page and beckoning Lynx and Quinn to come over. "You see, right here. This is when I first noticed that something was wrong."

Quinn peered at the page but didn't really understand anything about the dating system in the universe yet. Which, in hindsight was likely something she had to correct. But as she glanced at Lynx, she realized he'd grown somewhat pale. 

Then his eyes shot back into focus and he practically growled out the next words. "Are you sure this is accurate?"

Carafax didn't appear to be perturbed in the least. He simply smiled and nodded. "Yes. This is undoubtedly correct. I am very astute with my journal entries. Observations are what fuel a part of my magical work. It's essential that I notate those down that I observe while I'm studying as well.

As Lynx digested the inforamtion Quinn could feel the Library processing it as well. "And you're entirely certain that this is when you began noticing changes." Lynx asked again, this time more insistent. Quinn could practically hear the Library talking through him.

She wanted to know, but she could still feel the effect the information was having on the Library as a whole. An uneasiness and uncertainty that she'd yet to experience as it roiled through her entire nervous system. Being connected to a universal magical Library might sound like a lot of fun, and it was. At least until you began to feel in synch with it and the entire being started having mega feelings.

What is it? She asked, pushing her voice out to the Library.

A few seconds of awkward silence in the real world passed before the Library begrudgingly answered. If what Carafax says is true, Korradine's behaviour changed a long time before we realized.

Is there any reason to disbelieve this? Quinn pushed for an answer.

None. Carafax is a long time Library Patron. With thousands of years of contributions to a few of our branches. He's very methodical and observant. I would say this is about as accurate information as we're going to be able to get. The Library didn't sound happy about any of that.

Carafax had turned his attention back to the books he was leafing through, that same content smile still on his face. Eric's scowl was so deep Quinn was worried it might swallow his face, but she had seen him bounce back from it before so it should be good.

She wasn't entirely sure how she should phrase what she wanted to ask, so a part of her just thought she should go ahead and ask it. "Can I ask... is it possible to get a replica of any of the days you happened to notice anything about Korradine at all?"

Carafax blinked up at Quinn slowly, his smile turning into a thoughtful half frown. Frankly with his face, she wasn't entirely sure he was even capable of a full on scowl. He just seemed so happy. Although, she could imagine him being terrifying in some capacity to his enemies. If he uncurled from how he'd positioned himself at the desk, she was quite certain he'd be massive.

"Yes." he said finally, sounding pleased. "I actually believe I can do that right now."

Before Quinn could ask, Lynx answered the question on the tip of her tongue for her. "He's got a magical chronicalling affinity. Long story short - he can magically recreate magical texts, and his magica journal technically qualifies."

"Oh come now Lynx. You take all the fun out of me pretending it's an amazing feat." Carafax's eyes sparkled as he picked on the Library manifestation. "Anyway young Librarian. You are indeed correct! Give me a few minutes and I should be able to locate them and produce them for you. I am feeling somewhat peckish. So I think this would be a good time to go and visit Cook."

Carafax muttered under his breath, and his eyes took on a golden bright hue as a flash of power ringed around him. Several moments of pulsating light later, and he'd produced said documents. He handed them to her with a flourish of his long clawed hands and Quinn took them gingerly in her own, quite astounded at the way magic worked.

It was better than a Xerox.

She was also quite impressed at the sheer mass of papers.

She blinked up at Carafax as he leveraged himself out from behind his desk. He was definietly a couple of feet taller than her and took up so much more space that she felt positively tiny.

Quinn rifled through them and paled. Now she understood why the Library had reacted in the way it had.

Carafax leaned forward, a small frown tugging his smile down. "Is something the matter?"

She shook her head. It wasn't even that. "These are from...?"

He smiled. "Oh I took them from the last two visits where everything seemed normal, and then included the changed observations. I mean I've got bits on everyone, even on you Aradie." He winked at the bird.

She pointedly looked away from the slothilus, as if he wasn't worth her time.

Quinn would have found it amusing if she didn't feel like Carafax's powers of observation bordered on the creepy. 

"Are you wary of me now, young Librarian?" He asked, and a little bit of melancholy tinged those words, immediately causing Quinn to suffer from mega guilt.

"Not as such..." She started to say and then sighed. "It's not what I mean. It's just this is all very..."

"Clinical?" He asked.

"Sort of." She shrugged. "Like we're all just being watched and will never know."

Carafax nodded very slowly. "I am a chronicaller. It's very lonely work. We observe, we compile, we discover. I'm fascinated by everything I do not yet know, and every bit of knowledge that could potentially be discovered."

"Is there a reason you didn't come forward with this information at the time?" Eric snapped, like his scowl had finally won out and taken control over his willpower.

Carafax cringed. "To be honest. At the time. I had several projects on my plate. I meant to pull dear Korradine aside and see what it was that troubled her, but it never appeared to be something dire..." He paused and bowed to Lynx apologetically. "At least, that is, until it was. Now I know better. Should something occur again, I will endeavor to not make the same mistake."

Quinn tried to flash him a smile, but she couldn't help the sadness she felt. Maybe if he'd noticed, maybe they could have done something about it.

But then, she wouldn't be here, would she? Quinn wasn't entirely certain how she felt about that side of it. Before she could think farther up that track, the Library spoke into her head.

Hindsight is always best. We can't change anything now. But we can move forward.

Even the tone inside her head sounded melancholy. 

"There could be some hints in these notes that directly relate to why." Carafax pointed out not unkindly. "I cannot pretend to know what she was thinking. Had I? I would have spoken up much before this. It wasn't until I returned last week and have heard whisperings of Kora's betrayal that I truly put two and two together and got a surprising result of four." He chuckled at his own joke before sobering back up.

"Honestly though...I wish I had been more inquisitive in nature and less observational. Please let me know if I may be of more assistance in this matter. I am truly grateful that the Library has been returned to us." His smile reached so wide it crinkled his eyes into practical non existence.

"Thank you." Quinn said, meaning it, but wishing she knew what to ask to get to the bottom of it. 

"Ah, new Librarian. Quinn. You are an interesting mix yourself, aren't you?" His eyes suddenly lost their friendliness and sent shivers down Quinn's spine.

There was nothing hostile in the look, but more of a hunger. One of knowledge and less about devouring something whole. Still, Quinn wondered if this species had carniverous tendencies, but she was too scared to ask the system and find out.

"I do believe I am a bit of an interesting mix myself." She said with a laugh, trying to make light of it. But she could tell from Carafax's shrewd gaze that he didn't believe her for a second.

He paused, as if seriously considering speaking to her about something. He glanced to etiher side of them and the smile settled back over his face. "I will be staying in the Library for a while to catch up on the work I have missed out on in the last few centuries. Should you ever feel bored Librarian, please let me know and I would love to regale you with my adventurous findings."

Quinn smiled, and suddenly wanted to know what he meant by that. But they'd delayed him from his food for long enough already. "It was wonderful to meet you." She said instead as they all proceeded out into the hall.

He walked on two legs as they exited, which she found odd since his arms were so long and she realized she'd judged a part of him on preconceived notions that he'd walk like a sloth or gorilla. She really needed to get better about that.

He moved slowly out of the doors first and then began to slowly waddle toward the kitchen.

Quinn watched him go, a frown on her face.

"I feel exactly the same way." Eric muttered hovering next to her.

Quinn nodded. "I only wish I knew how I felt."

Eric moved to hover directly in front of her and crossed his arms. "Sometimes, you just have to go with your gut Quinn."

"If I went with my gut Eric, I'd have run screaming from the Library at the sight of you and never returned." She shrugged. "You're not exactly commonplace or welcome mythology in my world.

He hovered there for several seconds before he finally burst out laughing. "Touché. Well. That lightened the mood. Shall we continue the tour?"

Quinn still clutched the papers in her hands and shook her head. There was too much to get done, too much to do. Especially with some new pieces of the puzzle slotting into place. 

"No. I think I need to get a full night's rest. I've got a feeling the next week is going to be very hectic." She sighed as she headed back toward her office to leave the pages there.

Eric shrugged as he followed her. "Suit yourself."

"I wish that's all it was." She muttered under her breath. Lynx trailed along, uncharacteristically silent.

She understood it though. If she'd just found out one of the people she'd trusted most in the universe had been planning to betray her for millennia longer than previously thought, she'd be shaken too.



Spent a lot longer with Carafax than intended, but I kinda like him.

Much love



Joe Gallagher

"As Lynx digested the inforamtion" Tyop