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Yeah so... that's one of my favorite horror movies. This is not a horror chapter however.

More about the Library, more species, and more info weeeee

not really a cliffy


Chapter 131

People Under the Stairs

Quinn wasn't exactly sure how to react to what Eric had told her, considering she probably had a very different view of squatters than Eric did. Were these people homeless? Did they need somewhere to stay? In which case, shouldn't the Library provide them with shelter since it could? However, they couldn't just have everybody come and stay. That wasn't even a viable option.

Maybe... How big was a pocket dimension?

"Quinn," Eric said. She looked up at him, hovering directly in front of her. 

"I'm sorry, my mind went places," and she couldn't help it. Images flashed through her mind from horror movies she'd seen growing up where the call was coming from inside the house, or there were people under the stairs. One she vividly remembered with a single white female type stalker who entered the house, became the same person as the main character, and attempted to kill them constantly. Not that this was probably the case in the Library, but Quinn definitely needed Eric to narrow down what this meant for her. "So you're saying that people have come into the Library, ordered and used specific species allocated Library rooms, and are reading books and just staying here?"

"Yes," Eric said. "Sort of like we're a hotel. And they come up and they go, they use the dining hall multiple times a day. Is that kind of it?"

"Sort of, but it sounds like the Library doesn't have much of a problem with it. So does that mean they need a place to stay?"

"Well, maybe," Eric said begrudgingly. 

"Have you asked them if they need a place to stay?" Quinn pushed the matter further.

"Well, it's not," he stuttered. 

The Library sighed and the sound rippled underneath Quinn's feet all the way up her spine.

In times gone by, the Library began, and Eric could obviously hear it as well because he looked quite surprised to be in on the conversation. We frequently had scholars who spent time, very large amounts of time, in their own rooms. It's perfectly normal, Eric,

"Oh, so I don't have to kick people out after ten days of being in the Library and being a drain on our resources?" He said, the hum on his wings went up half an octave with his level of annoyance.

And how would you think they are being a drain on our resources, Eric? The Library said, their temperament just as even as Quinn remembered. 

She realized she hadn't spent much time talking to the Library lately. In fact, the Library had been downright silent about a lot of things, which in and of itself wasn't necessarily bad, but given their current dire situation and the 5,000 things she had on her list, it definitely wasn't the optimum thing for the Library to remain mostly silent.

We are a center for knowledge, a learning facility, a place that allows people to come and sit in silence or come and have scintillating academic discussions over books. They can take in the knowledge, learn the spells, learn the magic. They can ask somebody. They can ask one of the assistants if they're having issues understanding some of the material they're reading. We can direct them to the next book that might better help them understand whatever area of expertise they're pursuing. That's what the Library is, Eric. And if, as I suspect, the Library paused for a moment, you are talking about the Slothilis, then they have been allies of the Library almost as long as your kind. And I do believe it's Carafax who is currently occupying the room you're speaking of.

Eric blinked. He didn't really have anywhere to look because the Library was simply speaking into both his and Quinn's minds at the same time. Although Quinn was fully aware the Library could speak to the entire Library at once, doing so right now when it was a private conversation would be a major breach of etiquette.

Quinn chuckled. "So you're saying it's absolutely fine for researchers to be here researching knowledge like you do in a Library," Quinn said, her gaze punctuating with each word as she looked at Eric.

Precisely, the Library said, you really should just ask me these things, Eric. Quinn, while having access to much of the same information, still needs to adjust to how to process it quicker than she currently does.

"Sure, how do I do that? Do I just ask for the Library to listen to me?" Eric's wing hum had risen another half octave.

Quinn watched in amusement. It was probably the first time that she had seen Eric practically lost for words. The little imp never seemed to lack the ability to just talk under six feet of wet cement. However, in this case, he seemed slightly flustered.

Just speak to me, the Library answered as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

Quinn interrupted the conversation. "So the Slothilis, is it possible for us to perhaps meet this Carafax person?"

Oh yes, the Library said. I am sure, give me just a second. Oh, there you go

Lynx popped into view. 

Here you go, Lynx will lead the way much easier than me trying to give you directions while I am currently processing multiple operations in order to figure out the entire list you've given me, Quinn.

"You sound a bit annoyed with me," Quinn said.

Just irritated that I have obviously let someone pull one over on me. Perhaps I was too trusting. Maybe I grew too complacent. Of which neither are a good thing nor are they an excuse for what has happened. I have to hold myself responsible and I may be having some difficulties doing that right now. Quinn realized that the Library was now only talking to her and not to Eric as he stood there in the air hovering with his arms crossed and quite a scowl on his face. He didn't appear to enjoy being corrected and the Library had most definitely come out on top.

So, Quinn asked the Library telepathically, are you okay?

To be honest, Quinn, no. I've lost memories, I've lost data, which is knowledge, which as you can imagine for me, a hoarder of knowledge. That is the equivalent to losing a limb. Right now I am focused on tracking down which books are missing, where they are located, how we can fix the memory holes as Cadre, Harish, Milaro, and Siliqua constantly give me new information to process to see if we can access things in different ways. I don't feel like there's enough time or enough information available to me to figure all this out.

You know we can do it together, right? We're working on it from our end. We will figure this out.

Thank you, Quinn. I feel I should just be older and wiser, the Library said. You are appreciated. Now, go visit Carafax.

Your wish is my command.

She could practically feel the Library grinning at her.

Right then and there, Quinn decided that she needed to go and speak to the Core sooner rather than later, perhaps tomorrow, or at least within the next few days. There were many things she needed to clear up before she tackled some of the larger items on their list, not least of which was figuring out exactly what she was capable of, now that her new heritage had been revealed. Then again, she had so much coming up in the next few days...

For now, she wanted to meet these so-called squatters, as Eric had called them, or academics, as the Library insisted they were.

"Quinn, are you done daydreaming? Can I take you now?" Lynx asked, his tone sharp.

"Wow, temper, temper, Lynx." She grinned at him. 

"Look, I got interrupted in the middle of inventory, okay? I've saved my progress, but I still need to get back into the swing of things, and that takes me a little while." He said grumpily.

"Can't you just, like, automatically count stuff?" Quinn asked. 

"Well, yes, but it still takes a while to get warmed up." He sighed. "Well, you wanted to go and visit Carafax, right?"

"Yes, I did." Quinn couldn't help but feel a little excited to meet another new species, another new knowledge seeker. She was looking forward to it, not to put too fine a point on it.

Eric seemed very disgruntled. He flew with his arms still crossed, muttering under his breath. 

"What was that, Eric?" Quinn asked as Aradie leaned into the side of her head. Sometimes that threw her equilibrium off completely, but she was getting used to it.

"Nothing. Just bloody all-knowing libraries. It's very frustrating."

Quinn chuckled. "You know, it's probably a good thing that you don't know everything. Otherwise, what use would it be for you to be here, in a Library, of everything?"

"It's not of everything. We don't have romance novels." Eric muttered.

"No, I'd imagine we don't, because they're not technically magical. Do we have any love potion sections?" Quinn asked suddenly.

"Only the alchemy section, but I don't believe infatuation potions are what you're looking for. Now, just follow me," Lynx said. "This way."

They'd already long gone past the training room. Quinn hadn't realized quite how big the Library was. She'd never been past this point before.

"Here on the left-hand side, we have the advanced magical texts. If you have not been cleared for this level of magic, you cannot even touch these tomes," Lynx explained, as if he'd suddenly become a tour guide. 

Quinn suppressed a smile. "Well, that is definitely enlightening," she said. "So, where is..."

But she didn't have to ask any more. Further in, there was a series of doorways that just screamed private chambers. As she looked at it, a sign appeared over them, and she chuckled. "Private reading rooms. That's excellent," she said.

You're very welcome. The Library echoed in her ears.

"Did you have something to do with these signs?" Lynx asked, as he opened the leftmost door.

"Yes," Quinn said. "Yes, I did. It was a pretty good idea. Thank you very much."

They opened the door, and yet it didn't open into another room. It opened into another corridor, which went however many feet long, and then they turned into the first door on the left. Lynx rapped on it sharply.

"Come in," a voice said. It was a very gruff voice, it sounded kind of like a Sesame Street character who lived in a bin.

Lynx opened the door, and the heat swept out. It wasn't like a fire and brimstone heat like she assumed would be in an imp home world. This was more like the moistness of the earth, and the way it retained the heat and the water, keeping it ripe for crops, and apparently for this Slothilis.

It was true, at first, she thought the being in front of her looked quite like a sloth, a very large sloth, almost the size of a horse. He was hunched over, and that's when Quinn realized that he was more of a hedgehog sloth where some of the fur was indeed spine-like. He had long limbs that moved languidly as he turned the pages.

He looked up from a very large desk, and a slow smile spread across his hedgehog-sloth-like face. He grinned. "Ah, to what do I owe such esteemed company?" he said, slowly. His eyes were kind, dark, dark brown, and they took up most of his eye, like a cat's eye, or maybe like a sloth's eye, she wasn't exactly sure. She'd have to bring up an image of one in order to be sure, but she found herself smiling back easily.

He didn't speak slowly or exaggeratingly like they demonstrated sloths to be in movies and cartoons, but he spoke with deliberation and caution, as if making sure that each word he chose was the exact word he meant to choose. She liked him instantly.

"Hi, I am the Librarian. It is nice to meet you." She flashed him a genuine smile.

"Ah, Lynx, I like this one, she is sweet, unlike her predecessor." Carafax said, nodding slowly.

Quinn immediately had about 80,000 questions. Lynx, on the other hand, scowled very briefly, as if it was almost a reflex reaction, and then he sighed. "Well, if you have any insight from your interactions with Korradine," he said, "we would welcome any information you have for us."

Slowly, Carafax raised an eyebrow, and then shifted his position languidly. Quinn could hear the needles on his back shift against one another. It was a pleasing sound, almost like a soft xylophone, slightly musical in effect.

"Excuse me," she asked, "I couldn't help but notice. Are you researching musical texts?"

"Why, yes," he said. "I am, my dear. Do you appreciate good music?"

Quinn nodded. "I really do. I'm hoping we can get the Bardic musical branch open as soon as possible."

"I would appreciate that. I do believe I have sent my assistants to return several books that I borrowed from the Library to teach former students. I will return them and pay the fine appropriately." His grin widened, revealing blunt, white teeth.

"Oh, you've been here for ten days and you haven't returned them yet?" Quinn asked before really thinking it through.

"I must admit, I was so excited when I realized that the Library was truly back, that in my joy I forgot to bring them with me. I have sent for them. Rest assured they will be in excellent condition." His smile never seemed to fade.

Is there anything else we can get for you?" She asked.

"No, no, I am quite happy to head into the kitchen myself." He turned toward Lynx, his expression suddenly changing to one of seriousness. "Now, dear Lynx, you mentioned wanting to know things about Korradine. How much time do you have?"

Quinn's spine tingled in an almost premonition-like way. This didn't sound good, but at the same time, she thought they might have a chance of finding out some definitive information.



So now we find out more about korradine weeeee

Much love



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