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This is the end of Book 2

Sooooo yes. I think I'm going with this. I was contemplating putting perhaps a Milaro chapter as an Epilogue, but I might just use it as a prologue for Book 3... or somewhere in it.

Monday's chapter will be posted later in the day than my usual 9am. I apologize for this, but I'll get back on my time slot over this next week. You will still get 4 chapters Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri.

Anyhu! Hope you enjoy it!


Chapter 118

Leverage Your Strengths

The rumbling beneath their feet continued. It wasn't enough to unseat them, nothing like the shaking of a wet dog as it had been when the Library at her university sucked her into this pocket dimension in the first place. Instead, it was almost like a jolly laugh. Sort of like she'd imagined Santa might laugh when he was doing that whole bowl full of jelly thing. The sound was encompassing. It felt warm, not foreign, not invasive, not dangerous, but something fresh and safe.

"What is that?" Quinn asked.

Lynx, whose eyes had been flickering in the way they did when he switched off and into another portion of the system, was aware enough to answer her question. "Well, it's shifting out of the dimensional storage and into this dimensional pocket."

"What now?" Quinn asked, her tone flat. She hadn't understood much of that.

"Well," Lynx paused and finally focused on her. "You realize we're in our own dimensional pocket universe, right? So to speak, anyway. The reality of it is actually far more complex than that and there are only a few beings in the universe who'd completely understand the theory behind..."

"Lynx, you're tangenting," Quinn chided gently. 

"Ah, yes. Sorry." He smiled somewhat sheepishly. "Anyway, in a roundabout way it means the main branch of the Library is currently encompassing a specific amount of space in our individual little dimension.  We can fold space down so that it takes up less energy, and put things into a sort of storage. Think of it like storage wars but for the Library and we know what's in the storage sections so, well I guess that's not a good example."

Quinn chuckled. "So, when everything hit the fan, you shifted all the branches back inside the pocket dimension and that gave the main branch more power so that it could continue to operate for longer, is that correct?"

"Yes, like an emergency power base, if you will." He seemed relieved that she'd understood what he was trying to say.

The rumbling continued and Quinn raised an eyebrow at him. "So what's the noise?"

"Oh! Well, it's shifting back now." He cleared his throat and continued. "The power that is, we're pulling energy from the core, from the filtration chamber and you're probably donating a little bit yourself right now, not to mention the sheer amount of mana that it's taking to manifest it. It should be done soon though. It's usually just that initial shove."

As if he had triggered it, the Library finally settled.

"Wow," Quinn said. "Now it feels too quiet."

Even the people who were lined up in the return lane had gone still, their faces filled with apprehension at the strange rumbling throughout the Library. But since it didn't feel dangerous, nobody was panicking. And now the vibrations were gone, they seemed eager to get the rest of their business out of the way.

"So where is this branch located?" Quinn asked, suddenly feeling very excited.

Lynx's eyes stopped flickering and he turned to face Quinn full-on as the Library patrons and assistants resumed their normal activities. "It's the Culinary Branch. By definition wouldn't you think the Library would place it close to the Dining Hall?"

"Oh," Quinn said, narrowing her eyes at his sarcasm. She was about to say more when she noticed Cook standing next to her with an odd golden glow suffusing him. It was almost like a full-body halo.

"Wow, Cook looks like they're leveling up," said Quinn, forgetting her irritation at the manifestation.

Lynx smiled. "In a way they are."

Cook turned. Their face was more defined now, the mouth less slit-like. Softer. "I should like to see the culinary branch. Will you accompany me, Librarian?"

"Gladly," Quinn said, a shot of adrenaline rushing through her. She felt like she could walk on air. Which, technically she could...

The procession headed toward the kitchens.

"The new branch is definitely located through the Dining Hall," Cook said, smiling. 

Quinn could tell they were excited about having the culinary branch open, about what they might find within its walls. "Do you have memories of the time before?" Quinn asked Cook.

Cook shrugged. "Not precisely, though I do know what to expect. It doesn't necessarily work that way. While I am aware of the knowledge gained before I came into being, the me I am now, is not the me I was then."

Quinn nodded, feeling slightly melancholy at the thought that the previous incarnation of each position in the Library lost a part of themselves when they were returned for energy. Or however that worked. "Do we know what to expect?"

Cook pondered that for several steps. "I am unsure if there has been damage, considering the haste with which the branch was shut down. If so, there might be much more to do than anticipated."

Narilin, who was walking next to them, tsked under her breath. "Exactly. I bet even more books have been damaged. I have yet to finish repairing the ones I initially received. It takes a lot more time than you think."

Even though Narilin sounded quite exasperated, Quinn could feel a sensation of excitement under all of it. For all of them, this was the next step to getting the Library fully back on its feet.

Finally, they came upon the dining hall. It had expanded over the several weeks that the Library had been open. There were now about twenty tables that could seat ten people each. Not that they regularly had 200 visitors to the Library, however, just in case. Cook liked to be prepared.

Now there were 10 rows on either side of a walkway that led through to a massive set of arches with columns just on the inside of them, reaching up as if to support the arch. Each pillar held intricate carvings that were a sight to behold. Quinn had no idea how the stone got carved so well because it wasn't marble. But, then again, magic.

The stone pillars rose up and each scene was a depiction of a culinary feat. Shopping and selecting different ingredients from a market, food preparation with cutting boards and the portioning of meats, food simmering over open flame and on stoves, pastries being kneaded before they were shoved into the oven, and people savoring all of those meals. 

Every single image held a feeling of joy. 

Quinn was suddenly extremely hungry, even though she'd finished her sub while the ground had been heaving.

She couldn't spy beyond the arch yet though. There was what looked like a sheet of bright light concealing the entrance. Everyone else paused at the threshold, but her own curiosity took a hold of her, and she stepped through the veil of white light, and gasped at what she saw.

Quinn wasn't entirely sure what she was expecting from a culinary branch, except for, well, cookbooks. Magical cookbooks that didn't just have normal recipes. She guessed you could probably leave the magical ingredients out, substituting them with regular ones, and thus you would have regular meals. She hadn't really given that a thought before.

Upon stepping through she was faced with what looked like a high-end commercial kitchen right down the center area. Massive stoves with prep areas attached to them. They looked commercial grade, as seen in hotels, gas stoves. Above them, supported by literally nothing were, what appeared to be, ventilation hoods. Magic probably whisked away any steam, smoke, or stench. Furthermore, it all looked like stainless steel. She doubted it was stainless steel, but it was probably something very close to it. 

On one side there were sinks with shelving units above them. They held cooking appliances and implements, cutlery and crockery, and a whole range of things Quinn couldn't identify. 

There were knives, assortments of them, arrayed everywhere. Anything and everything a person could dream of in a kitchen was here, including something that looked oddly like a stand mixer to her. Along the opposite side from the shelves was a plethora of terrariums with herbs and amazing spices growing in them, if their scent was anything to go by. There was even mint in there somewhere. She bet a cup of that mint tea would hit the spot. Quinn also assumed, hopefully correctly, that these terrariums had essentially been reconstituted by the herbs Farrow had given them to open the branch.

And then there were the bookshelves.

They rose up all around the perimeter of the room. And then again up on a second level, just like in the main branch. All she wanted to do was grab a book and cook something delicious. Only she'd have no idea where to start.

Although, if she was being realistic, she'd probably have to give the book to Cook and get them to prepare the meal. Quinn's cooking abilities weren't one of her strong suits.

After her initial glance around and the shock of this brand new and massive space, Quinn noticed a few things. "Oh," she said. 

Milaro gave her a pat on the shoulder. "It's okay. It's not as bad as the Library was. This branch, it needs a little bit of, what do you call it, TLC or something? Tender Liking Care?"

"Tender Loving Care," Quinn corrected absently. Somehow, Milaro always knew just what to say to pick her mood up that little bit. Malakai also seemed to have got that habit from his grandfather. And right now, Quinn was very grateful for them both. They'd get the Library back to its heyday and cut down the bastards who tried to destroy it. "Yeah, we'll get it back."

Narilin, on the other hand, was a little bit perturbed. "This is horrible," she said. "Look at the books."

Quinn sighed. The Salosier was correct. 

There were so many books strewn about, many had tumbled down from the bookcases, some were near the cooking stations, others away from the cooking stations, in places she didn't even think books should have been able to get all by themselves. Even at this close distance, she could tell some were torn and some were hurt.

"I'm sorry, Narilin." She whispered, suddenly feeling inordinately sad.

The Salosier shrugged. "I have yet to finish repairing everything from the main Library. But I will make time for these too"

"Well," Quinn said, "that's why you're the book doctor. You take care of our books for us."

Narilin blinked at her. "Thank you, Librarian. I guess I am a book doctor." a small smile tugged at her otherwise serious expression.

"You didn't know?" Quinn raised an eyebrow. 

"Well, I applied to be one of the Librarian's assistants." Narilin still smiled faintly as she spoke.

"You are an assistant? But you're also the book doctor."

This time, Narilin chuckled. "I will send for the carts."

Just then, Carty trundled into view. "I'm here, Miss Narilin," he said, in that accent that Quinn still loved. "I'll get right on this."

They watched as the little cart trundled away, lifting the damaged books onto him carefully with magic. Quinn took another look around as the fallen books were taken care of. Dust was everywhere, signs of neglect, of almost 500 years of absence of any actual being doing anything within it.

And then, she glanced at Cook, whose face was positively beaming. "You're overjoyed by this, aren't you?" Quinn asked.

"Yes, I actually am. This is wonderful, Librarian. I am so glad this was the first branch you opened."

Quinn grinned. But even as everybody else set out to explore the newly opened branch, a beep sounded through her head, like she'd forgotten about something. Acknowledging that something was missing, like an alarm and yet not an intermittent one. The sound cut off, and a sheet of information appeared in front of her vision.

Quinn groaned. 

Culinary branch officially opened. 

Beginner books verified, relegated to main branch Library. 

Analyzing intermediate, advanced, master, legendary culinary books. 




Missing the following number of books.

And then a list scrolled in front of her eyes so fast she barely even had time to register that it was writing.

Quinn groaned. It appeared that Lynx hadn't been incorrect when he said that there would be more books to get once they'd opened branches. Right now, Quinn had a lot to do.

Culinary Branch Books Missing: 2795

Lynx nudged her with his elbow, a huge cheshire cat grin on his face. It looked out of place when he was humanoid. "You know what's really funny?"

Quinn raised an eyebrow. "Do I want to?"

"This branch has the fewest books, and thus the least amount missing." He practically cackled once he told her.

She sighed. "Then I guess we just have to get some more back, right?"

"You're going to need more assistants." Milaro piped up on the other side of her.

"And more golems." Misha said, preening ever so slightly.

"And more power." Malakai added in, leaning against one of the massive stoves.

"Speaking of which..." Milaro grinned, and the expression looked positively evil. "I had some books you should concentrate on delivered to your room."

"Not to mention you still have to figure out why I have no memory, what the Serpensiril are up to and who their allies are, and what's wrong with Ashiron." Lynx tagged onto the end, making Quinn groan again.

Aradie chose that moment to sweet through the entrance and land on her shoulder with a low hoot of greeting. At least she didn't have anything else to add.

"Well," Quinn said, "I guess we still have our work cut out for us."


Later, up in her chambers, Quinn went through the list of the number of books still missing. The ones they knew about, the ones that were recorded, and the new ones the Culinary branch was missing. So many names, so many variances of magical everything. 

And then she made a list for herself about the things that she still needed to accomplish. And at the top of it, she wrote, "Why did Korradine's behavior change?"

Surely there had to be a reason for it, other than she just got bored, or she suddenly sympathized with chaotic magic. Because that didn't seem likely. Not when she'd never been interested before, from all accounts. Maybe if she'd only been a Librarian for a few thousand years. But by all accounts, it had been much longer than that. How could she have hidden such a double life for so long? Logic dictated that it was far more likely that an incident occurred, a trigger perhaps.

Quinn still had to deal with Tenejo. She had to figure out the Korradine mystery. She had to get all the other branches open. She had to retrieve those pesky books that Eric was panicking about. Not to mention, figure out the rest of the books that were missing from the Restricted Vault.

But first, while they still determined what a lot of these things were going to be, Quinn was going to get stronger.

She pulled the first book in the pile onto her lap.

The Seveshall Guide to Mastering Compartmentalization: How to Leverage your Strengths


Quinn was going to get strong enough so they'd never hurt her friends again.


I am much more used to ending on complete cliffhangers. Perhaps I will adjust where I end stuff. But I opted for slightly ominous instead of downright cliffy here. Hope you liked it!

Much love



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