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Hello dear reader!

I am delighted to see you at the beginning of December! :) I just finished my last convention of the year, that’s why I have been a little less active these days, I have worked a lot to make the convention go well! Now that this is all over, I can get back to working on the webtoon. 

On this month’s menu: There will be an illustration for Christmas that I work in collaboration with other artists, I look forward to showing it to you! Episode 55 of Solar Eclipse should be done for this week and I hope I could also do episode 56! I will also try to take back Requiem that I left on the side for the last few months, snif...

For next year, I will try to be more organized in my schedule and in my way of working to have a healthier pace of work. So, the episodes may be a little more short but it will allow me to post more regularly:) 

Anyway, today I show you two illustrations that I made in connection with the lore of Idunna (TW: mension of death and depression.) Lore that will be further developed in the next few episodes. I know it’s not a very cheerful topic for the first post of December but you know me and know that I’m a little weird haha. 

Have a good day/ evening and see you soon for the new episode! 




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