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As a result of the last popular vote'Animal Drawing and Popularity Vote' Fox won :D

Hmm... land mammals got a lot of votes. Come to think of it, I don't drew many land mammals this year. I will definitely draw a fox before February next year! 

Even the animals that didn't win will be completed someday because they are all animals that I want to draw someday.

And here is some drawing of the spider drawing that is currently in progress~

Since there are no realistic drawings this time, I think even people with arachnophobia will be able to see the drawings.

I once drew a spiny spider as a doodle.

Although they look very sharp and have bright colors that make them look like they are poisonous, they are actually harmless to humans.

Inspired by the smiley face spider (Theridion grallator), I wanted to make the pattern on their body look like a smiling face.

Their size is also very small, smaller than a fingernail. 

Also spider's thorns make it difficult for their natural enemies, birds, to eat them. They are said to look like plant seeds or thorns hanging on a spider web for human eye. So I thought it would be cute to draw spider and some seed together..However, plant's seed has been deleted from the current work.

These are all spiders with spiny in their names.

They will look colorful if I draw them on a black background, or they will look friendly if I draw them on a bright green background.

The face drawn on the body looks like happy devil with horns 😈😈😈

The original patterns for these spiders were so funky and cool that I thought about just removing the faces as soon as I finished drawing them.  But then I changed my mind again and re-draw those faces 😅 I'm probably going to think about this until the end. You will see the results when the painting is completed.

The pattern on the left is closer to a real spider, but it looked a bit scary, so it was modified to look like the one on the right.  

Usually when I draw a spider, I draw four eyes, but since there is already a face on the body, I think it will look too complicated, so I'm only going to draw one pair of eyes this time.

Thank you!




I love these spider doodles! I'm afraid of looking at spiders but I do think they are very neat creatures, so I'm always happy to see art like this where I'm not afraid to see them haha


I am happy to hear that because I tried not to draw them scary. There is a study that it is helpful to see it often to get rid of fear of something, and after started drawing spiders a few years ago, and my fear of them disappeared very much!


These are so cute! Where I live in Australia, the Gasteracantha come out in December so we call them "Christmas spiders" :D It would be so cool to see them included in a Christmas themed illustration some time!


oh! That's right, they're showing up now because it's warm in Australia. I didn't know this at all, but it's so cute. Their colorful appearance - and lots of red! It goes well with Christmas. In particular, I think I saw an article saying that the rainbow spiny orb weaver lives in Australia. I completely understand why they are called Christmas spiders.