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Somehow, when I read the scientific name of jellyfish, I think it sounds very cute.

punctata, papua, tuberculata~

I'm thinking about whether or not to draw a face on jelly....

Yesterday I decided not to draw a face, but today I think it would be cute to draw a face 😅

I set the main color to be pink, but if you watch the time lapse, you'll see that my mind is gradually changing. I added yellow color because of fried egg jellyfish and spotted jelly, but I might remove this yellow later.  As mentioned in Polka dot shark post, I try not to use too many colors because I want to give this series a simple feel as possible.

Thank you!



Jellyfish jellyfish jellyfish!!


hehehehe. fried egg and flower hat are my favorite jellies :')

Elinor Wahl

Jellyfish are marvelous! I didn't know that a lot of species have eyes until I read a book about them called 'Spineless' by Juli Berwald. And their scientific names really are cute ^-^ I mentioned my science fiction writing project before, but one of the sort-of alien species in it are called 'Harvesters', and are a lot like airborne Portuguese men-o'-war. They can mimic human speech and 'sing' through the gaseous organs in their bodies, and control their tentacles individually.


I wonder if they'll be on good terms with the wasp aliens. Maybe even imitate wasp speech and song....?