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Related post : [wallpaper] Solitary wasps

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Recently, a 1.5~2cm size flying insect has started to live in the hole in the window handrail. It looks like Paper wasp, but I'm not quite sure exactly what kind they are yet, as they either run away or fly into the hole as soon as I approach.

They're going into the hole.. 😂😂😂 (By the way, in Korea where I live, wasp and bee are not distinguished and both are called bee.)

Most people fear wasps and have a prejudice. Like sharks, the fear of wasps is pretty exaggerated. Because only very few wasps attack humans. (This also happens because most people threaten their nests first.) There are numerous wasp species, most of which are harmless.

Well, I, too, actually have a little bit of fear. I was stung once when I was young.  Another, there was a time when a giant hornet came into the house. -yep, it's Murder Hornet, which became a hot topic in the United States a few years ago.-  I still remember my mom screaming so loudly.

However, the more I learn about wasp, It turns out that they are very attractive insects. The ecological benefits they have seem to be underestimated. They are essential pest controllers. Also their diversity. There are so many types of wasps, and each one is unique, colorful, and mysterious.


(The sizes aren't completely accurate, but) I've placed the larger wasps first.

And fill the rest of the space with little wasps.

I changed it to a darker background at the last.

Giant scoliid wasp is the largest solitary wasp. They actually have darker wings and lighter yellow points on the body... :) - Because they had to show their faces better as characters, the color of their eyeballs had to be drawn brighter than the pattern on their heads.

Wasp Builds Unique Nest for Her Young | Trials Of Life | BBC Earth

It's amazing how they build houses.

It's the wasp that has become my favorite. I was mesmerized by their brilliant colors at frist. They curl up like pillbugs to play dead. How could I not like them?

I drew a red velvet ant almost 10years ago..  To be honest, I didn't know these were wasps at the time (I found out soon after anyway)

I just looked it up and it was drawn in 2014. Quite a different style.

Thank you!




Your work is so beautiful, I love the effort you put into capturing every individual animal and species 💖


thank you! There are so many varieties of them that it was hard to choose just a few species.

Tony Richmond

You have made me hate wasps less. These are beautiful, thank you for the pretty pictures and the education 😊


I'm really happy to hear that this work has somehow helped their image :D


Only Pikaole could make a wasp look less scary lol These are so cute!


I love this so much

Elinor Wahl

I'm so glad you're learning to love wasps so much <3 I also love them, I had a small nest of them in a knothole on the railing of my balcony in Colorado, and saw them coming and going in the warm months. They're wonderful creatures, and shouldn't be seen as 'evil' because of their stings or occasional parasitoid reproductive habits. I love wasps so much that they feature prominently in the science fiction novel I'm working on!

Elinor Wahl

By the way, do you know about South American warrior wasps? They're paper wasps with a beautiful metallic blue coloring, and they get their name from the habit of drumming on their nests with their legs to warn away predators.


They appear in a novel, great! I thought you liked marine life more, I didn't know you liked wasps. I've never heard of South American warrior wasps. Interesting names derived from their behavior. I just googled the pictures and the blue color on them is really beautiful.

Jamie G

They really are beautiful, and I loved learning so much more about them!


Your passionate defense of wasps is very refreshing. They need more love!


I heard a story a few years ago that someone managed to build some kind of trust with their local wasps by leaving them alone and putting food and water out for them when they were outside. It really changed the way I see wasps! I'm trying to approach my local wasps with kindness to see if we can peacefully coexist as well :) Thank you for spreading the wasp positivity!


Oh, I've never heard of that story..Building trust with a community of wasps sounds pretty appealing. Hmm... There are still wasps living in that hole, and it makes me think about what I can do for them.