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I drew a Frogfish a while ago but there was another angler fish that I wanted to draw. It's handfish.

Handfish are one of the rarest fish in the world.
True to their name, they have pectoral fins that look like hands, so they usually walk instead of swim. (Of course they swim too!) Because they are anglerfish, they have lure on their heads. Most handfish are critically endangered.

Youtube link

Red Handfish (Thymichthys politus) from Tasmania, Australia - walking

Handfish walks

Pink Handfish | University of Tasmania 

It's really cute how they crawl on the floor using their fins.

There are 14 extant species of fish, and I have chosen 9 of them. 

As they are rare fish, in some cases I couldn't see a picture or video of alive fish, so I read the written description and added my imagination to draw them.

I felt they were fairy-like fish... So choose pink/pastel color.

I think I've been drawing fish in a row lately. (I tend to subconsciously keep trying to draw fish lol) So, for my next work,  I'll probably draw an animal other than a fish. Come to think of it, it seems I haven't drawn insects for quite some time... 😎 




Tripod fish in shoes 🤣🤣🤣 👟🐟👟


Squee! This is lovely! I love the info!! The australia spotted is so stinkin cute! I might have to try to draw these! They're so funny. I feel like they'd be great as like information characters. Gesturing with their big hands and stuff x333 On the topic of insects... if you don't have something in mind, may I offer up blue fainting beetles as an option! They're so cute and you could really have fun with the fainting aspect to emote and add character.


Always Thanks for the suggestion! It's not a blue fainting beetle, but I've drawn about a beetle before. When I drew this, I drew beetles that were requested as comments on patreon. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=766912110398145

Mags Hirve

These are so cute! Can't wait to see what kinds of bugs you draw! Weevils are big faves of mine 😊💜


Always Thanks for the suggestion! It's not a blue fainting beetle, but I've drawn about a beetle before. When I drew this, I drew beetles that were requested as comments on patreon. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=766912110398145


Oh, I've drawn weevil a few times, but it would be fun to draw it again because there are so many beautiful kinds


Handfish! They're very cute, I hope the species can recover and stick around for a long time. I'm excited to see what insects you choose! If you are okay with suggestions, I think the fiddler beetle (Eupoecila australasiae) has a nice color pattern!


Suggestions are always welcome. They have really nice patterns 🥹


I love the pink colour you chose for these guys!! I'm interested in seeing insects, I was reading about helicophile bees earlier, they nest in snail shells! nature is so cool!!


Thanks Rax! I just learned about helicophile bees for the first time from your comment and I'm really intrigued!