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These are amazing 😍


Cute!! I love dinosaur stuff!


I was JUST looking at this! My hubby is really struggling with his ADHD and remembering to do important things so I wanted to do something like this for him. I knew you had dino ones and I went looking and I was like dang it when I saw your preview and then you post this literally the next day! Perfection! These are even cooler for us because our son's name is Deanosaurus Reximus [last name redacted]! We mostly call him Deanie. We wanted his name to be special as our original theme was to be Sam and Dean, named after the Supernatural characters but I really wanted to make the names special in our own way and not just taken from the show. So he's Deanosaurus and if we ever have a second (pregnancy complications changed things, I'm happy to share if you're curious) they'll be Samlimander! Ha!


oh! I'm really glad you like this. It' was nice to to choose dinosaur :D I haven't seen Supernatural, but I know a little about the brothers because of of my friend loved them. It sounds like a unique and special name even to me, a foreigner. Thank you for sharing your story of how much dinosaurs mean to you.