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[WIP] 6 Fresh water fish

Cardinal tetra(NOV08) 16 steps WIP gif

[ Drawings ] tetra, hamster, finch

[ wallpaper ] Happy tetra

Tetra is the common name of various small freshwater characiform fishes.

(the name tetra also applies to other non-characiform species of fish.)

I've focused on fish that are characiform fishes and also have tetra names.


When drawing animals of different sizes, I draw them in this order.

  • 1. First, draw chunks from the big fish
  • 2. Then after drawing a medium-sized fish
  • 3. Place small fishes in the last remaining spot.

Most of the tetras in this picture are 1 to 3 inches. The largest is the sailfin tetra. It's actually bigger, but I couldn't draw it too big, so I drew it a little smaller.

Almost 13 years ago I had 5 cardinal tetras.

I loved watching them swim.

And I loved watching Rummy nose's videos.

Their names are cute. I heard that the name of the fish comes from the fact that the face of the fish is as red as a drunk person. There is also a similar fish called false rummy nose. I imagined a false rummy nose complaining about its own name.

Thank you!




It's been a long time since you drew cardinal tetras!! I love them!


I had neon tetras when I was little. They're so cute!


I think the name “rummy nose” is suuuuper cute🥹💖💖

Neutron Starchild

This makes me want to get a fish tank. ADORABLE!


Thanks Malika! cardinal is my favorite tetra so I had to draw again XD

Julia Townsend

i love tetras so much, they are so fun to keep. this is adorable and makes me very happy!


I like to go to the aquatics shop and watch the little neon tetras! you made them look so happy, I hope they really are as happy as that!