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One of my favorite squid is the bobtail squid. 

They have all the elements I like. They are small (most of them are just 1 inch-2cm), light organs(Symbiotic relationship with bacteria for camouflage.), and ~~~the bottom dweller!

See them hiding in the sand. So cute.

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Thank you!




Bobtail squid are the best! They're just so cute. I really like vampire and colossal squid too!

Tony Richmond

Yesssssss I love bobtail squid too 😍


YEAH! Squid!! =D

Mags Hirve

bobtail squid are one of my faves too! these are great!


They sparkle!!


I stopped eating squid and octopus because they are too cute and smart.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-27 16:27:28 This made my morning, thank you! <3
2023-01-27 15:19:26 This made my morning, thank you! <3

This made my morning, thank you! <3