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Many people are afraid of piranhas. They, like sharks, are fish whose fears have been over-inflated by the media. Piranhas are important scavengers in the ecosystem. Actually they are pretty timid personalities. It is very rare for a piranha to attack and kill a person first.

I watched a TV show on Netflix a while ago, and there was a scene where the main character releases piranhas into a swimming pool for revenge.  I saw that and thought I should draw a piranha. Maybe it will help to improve their reputation even a little bit 😁 

When they appear in horror movies, they are often designed to emphasize fear. Longer, sharper teeth, dull and darker body color, and eyes are accentuated. And the skin where the skeleton stands out. But in reality, they are very beautiful fish.They have shiny scale with beauful shape, so also quite popular as an ornamental fish. (Piranhas are members of the Characin family, with the famous tetra known)

As always, I try to focus on the beauty and diversity of animals.


In their faces, I think the thick lower lip/jaws is their attractive point.


In the sketching stage, I applied a little the size of the actual fish. The largest fish, Piraya piranha, was placed right in the center.

Between 40 and 60 species of piranhas are known in the world. New species are still being discovered. Two main types are famous, Pygocentrus has a round head and Serrasalmus has a pointed head.

The red-bellied piranha is probably the most famous piranha. Ternetzi is similar to them, but yellow in color.

Interestingly, the baby Pygocentrus is difficult to tell apart from the Serrasalmus. I found out while looking for materials to draw baby fish, and they say that they live in groups with other groups when they are babies, like cuckoos.

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It's amazing how smart they've evolved.

Pike piranha has a longer body compared to other piranhas.

As the name suggests, this fish has red eyes.  I like to draw red eyes, so if it was another fish, I would have painted them in red. However, when I drew the piranha, I wanted to avoid a scary image, so I drew a red color that was barely visible.

Many meat-eating fish have teeth as sharp as piranhas. The salmon I drew a while ago also has big, pointy teeth. If you look at the piranha in a peaceful state, the teeth don't look so prominent.  Nevertheless, the piranha's sharp teeth are probably their most famous feature. So I drew small, sharp teeth on half of the piranhas.

Thank you!




I really enjoyed these!


Love their cute smiles 😃

Jamie G

Coincidentally I just watched that TV show episode yesterday!! So piranhas were very on my mind when I saw your Patreon email. I'm glad for the timing of it, I learned a lot of things from your WIP post! Thank you for sharing!


Yes, it's popular, so many people seem to be watching it! I also watched up to episode 2~ Good timing. I also learned a lot more about piranhas while doing this drawing! Thanks for reading, Jamie🥰


Thank you for talking about and drawing these! I always feel sad when I see people demonizing them. I dream of owning some red-eye ones someday, their bodies look like glittering diamonds <3


I’m surprised that pikaole watched Wednesday 😂 I also thought that in real life, the piranhas wouldn’t be so aggressive


Haha I try to catch popular movies, dramas, and cartoons regardless of my taste as much as possible 😂


Many people recognize this beautiful fish as a killer fish. yes they are so beautiful! In Japan, they actually include diamonds in their names.


These are all so beautiful and cute!! Thank you for sharing!! :D


Very interesting to learn more about them! Thanks for sharing 😊


Thanks Christin :) I always learn too! glad we know more about animals together~


They’re so happy, sparkling and adorable with their babies 🥺


Thanks Chaeli :D They are really beautiful and smart fish 😌