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[ Drawing ] Guinea pig / [ wallpaper ] Guinea pig day

To be honest, I thought they would be easy to draw, but when I sketched them, they were hard to draw! I even pondered for a moment whether to move on to the next animal without drawing them. But lately, when I decided to draw something, I rarely stopped halfway, and  I was able to finish it because there were patreons who wanted to see guinea pigs. thank you! It always seems like a challenge to draw a new animal that I haven't drawn before. Looking back, there were a lot of times when I drew and didn't finish it in the past, but since I started patreon, it's almost rare???


As those of you who have been watching my past WIPs know, I tend to make rough sketches and refine shapes/line while coloring. But lately I've been making clean lines for 'coloring page'. This is more convenient when coloring later. This may increase or decrease the working time. It's probably a matter of spending what time on something in the work process.

Rough sketch + coloring


Rough sketch + clean lines + coloring

It's almost identical to the sketch. Since the size was changed or the location was fixed in the sketching stage, there was nothing to change or do at the final stage this time.

A guinea pig with curly fur!

Did you know that their beards are also curly? that's so cute

They are American guinea pig.

'Dutch' is their coat color. It reminds me of a bunny I drew a while ago.

Dalmation, himalayan, roan, tan. They're all in bunny too!

I had a hard time because they had quite different impressions from the front and from the side🤣

When I make a point characterizing them, I paid attention to the lips.

American guinea pig (dalmation, roan) and teddy guinea pig.

I'm thinking about what to draw next. It would be nice If i continue drawing rodents. I haven't drawn mice and hamsters yet. But, as always, it could be an invertebrate or a fish. Thank you!




I would love to see you do Rats! I absolutely love them. Dumbo rats are my favorite. It's crazy how much cuter they become just by moving their ears slightly lower on their heads!


I would very much like to suggest more rodents, maybe a chinchilla set or porcupines (or both?)


I love them too! yeah, I was going to draw them. Almost 3 years ago! Sooner or later, I will draw rats someday :D


YES These are cuties that I want to draw someday. thanks for the suggestion!


I love watching your works in progress! I learn a lot about digital art making :)

Ellie Baines

Oh man I love guinea pigs!! So excited to see your WIP, as always :)


Hi! Love your art I’m new here and wondering how to get to the secret shop?


Love the guinea pig series! Will there be a calendar?


Hi! The secret shop is held twice a year. It is scheduled to open sometime next month!


I can hear them!💕


I love this soooo much! A few of them look like my pet guinea pigs too! <3


OMG so cute!! I love them! Thank you also for explaining your creative process as you are making your new art pieces, it is great to learn from.


Thanks, It's so nice we both learning somthing through drawing animals:)


I'm not too sure what type they are! Maybe American Guinea pig. We adopted them, they are such adorable pets <3


This is my favorite of all your art! We have guinea pigs ❤️