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I drew a capybara a while ago, and I thought it would be nice to draw a guinea pig, an animal related to them. For example, the number of toes.. they have similarities.

Guinea pigs are raised as pets, so there are several breeds. 

I've drawn the breeds of fish and birds a few times, it seems that people like rodents too with long fur. 

I love their jellybean-looking bodies. 

And just like capybaras, their face give me a cute-funny feel.

Thank you!




Your guinea pigs are so cute!!!🥹


Guinea pigs are really cute. My cousin has two hairless ones and ngl they are adorable


Lovely‼️ (I never had a pet Guinea pig. But a few years ago on instagram I found the cutest instagram accounts that made me just fall in love with them: burrito_nibbler and Fuzzberta. If your not familiar with these you should check them out. Guaranteed to put a smile on your face‼️😜)


So cute! I love guinea pigs! My sister has one, and I got to watch him when she was out of town. He was so silly and a lot of fun


Amazing :D In my case, I didn't saw real one actually but I watched so many video of them! I love their sounds too XD

Mags Hirve

These are so cute! I love the sketches of the different breeds. Maybe you could look at rabbits next, they have a lot of different breeds similar to Guinea pigs!


My favorite thing about Guinea pigs is when they open their little mouths and you can see their little tongues and their round little lower lips and they're so cute! Great work!


I had a pair who got so excited when people walked in the room they'd go "wheek wheek wheek" and run in a big circle

Mo Ranyart

Adorable!! I used to foster guinea pigs for an animal rescue and I fell in love with them, they're so cute and make wonderful noises when they are happy or begging for veggies. Mine would start squeaking for food if they heard the fridge open or plastic produce bags crinkling!


Thanks Mags! I drew some bunny few month ago if you interested : https://www.patreon.com/posts/wip-bunny-day-72590546


yes yes their lips! When I watching some video they eat with their little mouths makes me happy. super cute.


I love their face expression too .. I don't kknow why but they are so cute and so funny


you do a really great job thank you! I think they know what it means to react to the sound of a plastic bag. So does my dog lol.


I just entered the account you told me about. It is impressive to see a guinea pig wearing a hat or sunglasses. It's cute to think of someone who makes little hats for guinea pigs :)


I’ve been subscribed to you for yeeears and you are easily one of my fav artists, so when I saw you drew my favorite animal ever, I SQUEALED!!! Thank you SOOOO much for drawing piggies!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ I cannot get enough of their weird little potato bodies in your adorable style!! It makes me SO HAPPY~!


YES! I remember you commented that you followed me because of marine fish but you would like to see guinea pigs. It's been quite a while, but thank you for waiting. Do you have a particular favorite guinea pig?