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Since I drew a lot of sea slugs, but I almost never drew a land slug, so I sketched this time. (Drew a banana slug once before.)

It was surprised to see the size of the slug on the palm of some people's hand while researching the data. I met only small slugs about the size of a thumb nail in my life 😂 I'd like to touch a big slug once.

Did you know there is a semi-slug? They have a shell, but the shell is so small that they can't put a body in them. Sometimes there is a shell in the mantle.

Sea slugs and snails are a favorite of many patreons here, so I wonder what the slugs are like. Do you have a specific land slug species that you like?




Banana slug!!!!

Tony Richmond

Mount Kaputar pink slug 😁


So cute!

Mo Ranyart

There are banana slugs near where I live so they are a favorite of mine! It's a lot of fun to spot them while hiking.


I love the sketches😍 I think I told you before, but banana slugs are the school mascot of a local university here 😂 (UCSC)


These are so cute and wonderful! In Florida, we have a kind of slug called a "pancake" or "leather leaf" slug, and they can get somewhat large! I love holding them. :)

Rebecca King

We have banana slugs in BC but only on the coast, I got to see a few while I was out that way, I didn't touch them but I was pretty ding dang excited to see them, may have screamed with pure delight ahaha


Amazing! their colors are so pretty yellow. I think the name suits them perfect.


Yeah I remember! If the mascot of my school was a slug, I would have liked my school.


Ohhhh my god I love every animal has named pancake. pancake!!!!!!!!


cool! I wrote in the post that I would like to touch them, but in reality I may not be able to touch them and only shout of joy like you! Maybe they don't like being touched by giant humans 😂


Oh I loooove them!! The one at the top with the little snout mouth and the eyes on their antennae is soooooo cute 🥰


Banana slugs!! They're the 2nd largest land slug in the world and their mucus is numbing (like, if you lick them, your tongue will go numb).


When I was a kid, adults would tell you to lick them! Their slime is also like hagfish where touched with liquid it swells up and becomes extremely thick and sticky. I think it's probably not recommended to lick them for fun anymore? Maybe the slugs don't like it, either.


WHAT WHY 😂 bad adults! Anyway, I found out something I didn't know!

Mags Hirve

My young sons always pick up banana slugs! They let them crawl on their hands, it is so cute. Then it is very hard to wash the slime off before they come inside....


Ah, there is such a problem! Well they are big and somewhere I've heard slugs have more slime than snails??? Doesn't it wash well with soap?