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I mainly draw a lot of see bunny (sea slug/nudibranch), and recently drew a rabbit snail. Sometimes I drew a rabbit in fan art (Animal Crossing/ Sailor Moon). A few days ago, it was World Rabbit Day (fourth Saturday of September) I checked to draw a rabbit on this day since before... but I was a little greedy and drew more rabbits than I planned. That's why I couldn't update last Saturday.😂

Bunnies were one of my favorite animals when I was a kid. My mom bought me a bunny plush when i was young. And it was my favorite toy. Come to think of it, maybe I was influenced by my mom. Her zodiac is rabbit, and she always uses rabbit-related emojis/sticker pack... Oh! I think I just realized why I drew this. Maybe I drew it too late?


Rabbits are one of the most famous domestic animals, and they have been bred in many types by humans. This time I focused on the rabbit breed. Maybe someday if I draw rabbits again, I want to focus on the wild species.

I heard that there are over 100-200 breeds.

A lot of their names are related to the country, but it's interesting that many of them are actually made in a completely different country.

Personally, I can't refuse the Panda pattern and many rabbits have that pattern. like dutch and dwarf hotot...  For some reason, I have a feeling they are similar to the Corydoras Adolfoi I have.  

The fur of Angora rabbits looks very soft....

Thank you!




I was so happy when I saw you drew a chinchilla rabbit! I had a pet one when I was little. His name was Skippy and he was so big and fuzzy.


Hahaha! I don't remember if that's where my mom got his name from, but Skippy has always been our favorite brand of peanut butter, so maybe! 😊


I had a tiny netherland dwarf. He had a really bad Napoleon complex XD He didn't really like people. But I liked him.

Holly Lynn Walker

I have a wonderful Himalayan bunny who came from a bad situation before I got her. But I love her so much. Having mostly just cats and dogs growing up I had no idea how wonderful domestic rabbits are as pets. She is my cuddle bug with so much sass and personality. Thanks for doing some bunnies 💕


Oh, it feels so cute that that little rabbit had such a complex 😂


Glad I drew himalayan bunny! I guess you are really nice owner for her. It's really fun to hear the people talk about the rabbit's personality. I can easily imagine of a funny fluffy little bunny.

Holly Lynn Walker

Oh so much personality! She loves bananas and raspberries, hates the vacuum and the broom (she smacks it with her paws). If I don't pay enough attention to her she pulls on the bottom of my pants or my socks. And if I lay on the floor she tucks her head into my neck. I tell her she is precious to me because she is a piece of my heart running around outside of my chest. 💗 bunnies are wonderful and each one so different.


Oh, it's just too cute to hear. My dog hates vacuum cleaners too so it's understandable that bunny don't like it either😂 It might be too noisy for them. Your expression is really sweet. 'my heart running around outside of my chest' I can feel how much you love her, and it warms my heart.


Yes. He was very smart, too. I taught him to do some tricks. He just wanted to be respected, which was difficult sometimes because he was so, so tiny and so very cute. He was also very, very soft, like petting a cloud.