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[ wallpaper ] Dragonet

Dragonet is small marine fish. 

Most species are bottom dwellers and burying themselves in sand. Mandarin fish (Synchiropus splendidus) is perhaps the most famous and familiar of these fish family. I've seen them in aquariums. This very small and colorful fish are hard to forget once you see them.

I thought they were a type of goby because they are commonly called mandarin goby. So dragonet and goby are similar but different species!

Since I recently drew a Mud Keeper, one of goby family, the sketch design was easy. The fins are more big.


These are the three most popular dragonets in the aquarium community.

Male dragonets has very long dorsal fins. 

Tentacled dragonets, as their name suggests, have tiny tentacles over their eyes. It's so cute.

I felt their patterns were unusual compared to other fish. 

I searched the internet and I found that their bodies are scaleless 😮

I guess that's why their skin felt so mysterious to me.




Oooh I didn't know they were scaleless :O the local aquarium has some mandarin dragonets...I love looking at them. These are all so colorful!


These are beautiful Pikaole! Dragonets are my favorite fish, and I love seeing your version of them!


I hope one day I get to have a big saltwater aquarium, and I know I would be adding a Mandarin Dragonet in it! They are so beautiful and colorful, worth the struggle of always having to feed it live brine. It's very hard to get them to eat frozen food


They’re so beautiful and interesting😍thank you for teaching us about dragonets


Oh how pretty!


They're so pretty!


Hehe I always happy we learn together about amazing animals 💕


Ah yes, I heard that they are very picky eaters, and it is difficult to raise them because they destroy reef rock???


Oh I'm so happy I draw your favorite fish :D Thank you so much!


I found out this time too! They are really small and mysterious.. Awesome fish!


they are all so beautiful!! I would love to touch one and feel the scalelessness


Ahhh same! I'll put my hands on the floor like a rock so they don't startle them. They will wait for them to come.


so cool! love that you know so much about them as species 🥹


Thank you so much Elizabeth :D glad you like my fishs 😁💕