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From a very long time ago, I thought I should draw a seagull.

I think I feel that way every time I go to the beach.

I probably thought about this last summer and the summer of the production year as well. I decided to draw them in this summer.

I sometimes feel that seabirds look like fish...

Mainly land birds feel soft, but seabirds feels particularly slick to me.

So this time, when I draw their wings and body, I plan to design them as smoothly as possible.

It seems that most of the time I have drawn birds so far, I have drawn them in a sitting position. I've drawn birds flying but probably just one or two.

So this time, I'm thinking of drawing seagulls in flight.




Jamie G

I love this!! Gulls can be so tough to tell apart, so I especially love the details you writeñ

Florence Fong

they are the fish in the sky 😆


This is so lovely! I love seabirds <3


Thanks Jamie! Except for the seagulls with different hair colors, they actually look similar, but if you look closely, they are slightly different!?


I love albatross and the fact that they cant land properly like other birds. Plus the babies look like muppets😂 while their parents are all slick and gorgeous


I also LOOOVE Cormorants. I saw some in a city park here in Texas for the first time a year or 2 ago. They're so neat!


Oh yeah, Cormorants is one of my local birds! and agree with albatross's baby. adult albatross is so pretty and their baby is just fuzzy balls!


Love the movement in your sketches of the flying gulls!