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* Related post : [ drawings ] Duck, Magpie, Pheasant and cormorant 

The magpie is one of my favorite local bird.

I've heard that they are quite perceived as annoying birds in some countries, but Here, they are auspicious :D

In Korea, it is also associated with the upcoming Lunar New Year. A symbol of good news!

Regardless of these things, they are still nice birds.

The only ones I've actually seen are Korean Magpie and Azure magpie, but they are handsome, beautiful, wary but brave and smart.

So, this time, I studied magpie in more depth.

For the next artwork! and YES, next artwork is a magpie 😉

In the meantime, I knew there were different types of magpie, but I had no idea what the difference was between them. For example, green magpie and blue magpie look distinctly different, but Eurasian magpie and black-billed magpie... I didn't know what the difference is between them.

Four kinds of green magpie. 

They look similar from a distance, but look a little different when you look closely.

Blue magpie have longer tails than other magpies.

It was relatively easy to tell the difference between a green magpie and a blue magpie.

This magpies look very similar to each other.

I read that these birds were later classified from the eurasian magpie.

Yellow-biled and maghreb have under-eye spots, so we can recognize them easily, but the other five look almost identical.

There are descriptions of differences in call sounds and habitats, wings and tail lengths, luster of beak, and subtle color differences. Hmm... Since these subtle differences are omitted in my drawing style, I am struggling how to express. 

Perhaps I will borrow the power of text.

They both look almost identical. But the place where they live and the genetics are different. 

At times like this, I want to become a bird and observe them. 

From their point of view, they will obviously look different from each other.

After completing this painting, I think I will be able to make a bird sticker pack with the drawings I have drawn so far.

Thanks for reading!




I freaking love birds, and I'm overjoyed with all of your recent bird themed art!!! 🐥🐥


"I want to become a bird and observe them" you're so cute!


Thank you! I can already feel that you like birds in your username 🐥💕 glad you like my birds


I had no idea there were so many different kinds! Here in the US there's really just the black and white (and a little blue!) ones up north that I knew about, I love them so much though!


I liked magpies too...until one woke me up EVERY MORNING FROM 3AM TO 12PM for 3 months in summer xD


Right? In particular, I remember the shock when I first found out about the existence of a green magpie😁


OMG😂 Considering their voices, that would be pretty troublesome. By the way, do magpies get up so early? 3am is crazy 😂


Daylight starts very early in summer in Czech Republic ! and so do Magpies x'D

Ellie Baines

I love birds! I don't think we have such pretty magpies here


Yeah we love birds! I've only seen two of them. I can't actually see most of the animals I draw, but we can still find them on the internet XD


I love magpies! The ones near my parents house are so cute. I've seen them just walking around and one carefully crossed the street (looking both ways to check for cars). She could have just flown lol. I love your magpie drawings.


hahaha I can imagine right away. Pigeons are often did that too here. Magpies in our area are very wary and do not come near people and cars


So happy to see a Taiwan Blue Magpie!


Didn't know magpies could be so colorful! Here I usually see the elegant black and white with blue/green shadows. Also, I woke up this morming with the fat butt of a magpie in the window XD


Hehehe I also saw a fat magpie on the road yesterday. It's winter, so they look very fluffy. birds are so cute in winter XD


I love magpies! here we have an old divination rhyme which I always think of when I see them (one for sorrow, two for joy, three for a girl, four for a boy, five for silver, six for gold, seven for a secret never to be told). and they say it is good luck to greet them whenever you see them!


Oh, what is the meaning of divination rhyme? There is something mysterious about a secret that is never told part.


the number of magpies you see together at once tells you something really vague about what's going to happen to you! like if you saw five you might be getting richer or if you saw three you might meet a girl who becomes important in your life. the secret never to be told was always my favourite part too!


Ohhh I understand now, In other words, if we see more than one magpie, it is auspicious!