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Design poll for April 2022 reward!

Top 4 designs will be made into stickers.

*past design poll : [poll] sticker design 2021

🐙Octopus tier : 8 stickers (4 designs x 2)
🦑Squid tier : 4 stickers (4 designs x 1)
🐟Jellyfish tier : 2 stickers (the 1st and 2nd place sticker)

Here are the images of representative characters of each subject.

'1. Transparent eel' is similar to the 'transparent smol animals' of the last reward. 

The artwork or drawing style/ character, sticker sheet material can be changed depending on the production process such as the cutting line, but the theme is not changed.

If it becomes a sticker sheet, characters will be added as related topics.

(ex : Bird -> One specific bird /related animals.. or just many kind of birds)

* Multiple voting is possible.



I may be incredibly biased, but I’m always hoping for marine life and Sharks!


Honestly any of these would be awesome, but I personally really want to see pillbugs win (*´∀`*)


Yes, personally, I think it would look great if I made them into foil sticker sheets!


Wow, mushroom has so many votes!! I would love to see pikaole style mushrooms too💖 I think the example for the marine life mix is tooooo cute💖💕💕


Long ago, when I was working for a company, I drew quite a lot of mushroom, but I realized i haven't drawn them recently. I think I'll have to draw mushrooms for my next artwork XD


Ah Mushrooms and Birds ❤️‍🔥


Ohhh I hope tapir gets made!! 🥺 They're my favorite!


I don't think they'll get through BUT voting for REPTILES!! i need them to put on my reptile equipment and enclosures <3


We don't know what the outcome will be as 70% of the people haven't voted yet! Go reptile!


This voting is SO HARD XD


Noooo, I need Pillbug stickers or my heart will break T__T It looks like they aren't even close to making it.


Yes, I thought they would go well with gold foil sticker, but unfortunately they didn't have enough votes to win this time T_T


I would vote for pillbugs if there was a deep sea isopod with them XD and I need baby tapirs and boars....


haha yeah I love deep sea isopod too! and tapir and boars are so close 😭


you should have a one-time sticker pack of the "needs more love" designs :D


Saw it too late! Ancient babiiiiies would melt my heart oh 😭🙏❤️